Utilities Tab in MarketXLS

Useful Lists

Market Movers

Earnings By Date
Function being revised
Symbol Lookup
Function being revised
Dividend History

Get Option Chains

Gets all available option contracts for stock, including the expired ones.
=QM_GetOptionChain("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available 'at the money' option contracts
=QM_GetOptionChainAtTheMoney("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available 'in the money' option contracts
=QM_GetOptionChainInTheMoney("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available monthly options
=QM_GetOptionChainMonthlies("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available weekly options
=QM_GetOptionChainWeekly("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available expiring most near term
=QM_GetOptionNearTerm("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available calls to the left and puts to the right, with Expiry in the middle
=QM_GetOptionStructures("Stock Symbol")
Gets all available options that expire at the maximum "OnDate"
=QM_GetOptionChainExpireMaximum ("Stock Symbol", OnDate -"YYYY-MM-DD")
Gets all available options that expire at the minimum "OnDate"
=QM_GetOptionChainExpireMinimum ("Stock Symbol", OnDate -"YYYY-MM-DD")
Option Scanner

Options Screener
Benzinga News
MarketXLS added news feed functionalities provided by Benzinga’s in-house analysis and data team. You’re able to access the news from relevant periods corresponding to market events.image.png

MarketXLS Update Table
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