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Returns the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) based on historical average crossovers.

How calculated

EMA(today) = Value(today)*(Smoothing/(1+days)) + EMA(yesterday)*(1-(Smoothing/(1+days)) where Smoothing is generally kept 2

Example usage

=ExponentialMovingAverage("MSFT")- Returns ExponentialMovingAverage value for 30 day period
=ExponentialMovingAverage("MSFT",20) - Returns ExponentialMovingAverage value for 20 day period
=ExponentialMovingAverage("MSFT",20,"9/1/2022") - Returns ExponentialMovingAverage value for 20 day period with start date 1 September 2022


EMA is more reactive to recent price changes and hence the results are more timely and preferred more than SMA by many traders


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