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Stock Market Data in Google Sheets with MarketXLS. Do More, Effortlessly – With “MarketXLS”


Get Access to 1 Billion Usable Market data points IN YOUR EXCEL SHEETS WITH EASY TO USE EXCEL FUNCTIONS

Get started today
The main MarketXLS app works best with a Windows-based machine with Excel on the top of it. However, we realize many of us do not use Windows.

So, we turned MarketXLS into a Google Spreadsheet app to provide similar functionality in Google Sheets with MarketXLS.Our app on Google Sheets gives you access to Live and Historical Pricing, and Historical Fundamental data for US & Canadian Stocks and ETFs in google sheets.
What data is available using Google sheets addon.

Currently we support all US & Canadian Stocks & ETFs for Live (Delayed by 15 minutes) Pricing, Historical Data, Key Ratios, MarketXLS Analysis Functions and Historical Fundamental data in the Google Sheets app.

Get the app from Web Store link here and get your license key by purchasing the key from below.

How do I get started?

Stock Market Data in Google Sheets with MarketXLS

Simple Pricing – No Surprises – Fully Supported (Check Pricing)
1. Get the app from Web Store link here.
2. Purchase your license the key below.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If, for any reason, you don’t like this amazing plugin, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they’ll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund. Read our refund policy here.

Call: 1-877-778-8358
Ankur Mohan MarketXLS
Welcome! I'm Ankur, the founder and CEO of MarketXLS. With more than ten years of experience, I have assisted over 2,500 customers in developing personalized investment research strategies and monitoring systems using Excel.

I invite you to book a demo with me or my team to save time, enhance your investment research, and streamline your workflows.
Implement “your own” investment strategies in Excel with thousands of MarketXLS functions and templates.

MarketXLS is a complete Excel stock solution

Kevin Hsu


I have used lots of stock and option information services. This is the only one which gives me what I need inside Excel

Lloyd Lenase

Option Day Trader

MarketXLS is a data junkie’s dream. It gives me the flexibility to mine for hidden treasures.


Swing trader since 2011

I like to access historical closing prices on a particular date. That makes tracking performance easy.

Patrick Cusatis, Ph.D., CFA

Associate Professor of Finance - Penn State University