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ANCTF Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel



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Last updated: Saturday 15th February 2025
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ANCTF Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in inventories30 M25 M-41 M-204 M-126 M204 M-490 M-639 M203 M21 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital352 M90 M16 M-207 M235 M-70 M-31 M-41 M-119 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables-8 M11 M232 M312 M151 M-701 M692 M1,203 M-577 M145 M
(Increase) Decrease in receivables315 M54 M-178 M-300 M40 M545 M-358 M-839 M107 M110 M
Acquisitions-929 M-456 M-1,621 M-5,381 M-13 M-109 M-1,623 M-323 M-878 M-4,297 M
Amortization of intangibles-1 M606 M655 M
AssetImpairmentCharge-1 M
CapitalExpenditureReported635 M906 M994 M1,169 M1,408 M1,189 M1,665 M1,804 M1,943 M
Cash at beginning of period509 M576 M599 M638 M666 M706 M3,642 M3,016 M2,144 M834 M
Cash at end of period576 M599 M638 M666 M706 M3,642 M3,016 M2,144 M834 M1,309 M
Cash flow1,715 M1,888 M1,926 M2,163 M3,084 M3,721 M4,087 M3,945 M4,345 M4,817 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-1,399 M-1,181 M-2,387 M-5,444 M-935 M-1,214 M-1,386 M-1,799 M-2,276 M-6,604 M
ChangeInAccountPayable-110 M-5 M256 M344 M206 M-936 M762 M1,203 M-577 M145 M
ChangeInIncomeTaxPayable102 M16 M-24 M-32 M-55 M235 M-70 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense-8 M11 M232 M312 M151 M-701 M692 M1,203 M-577 M145 M
ChangeInPrepaidAssets14 M1000000.03 M-14 M15 M-48 M2 M-34 M-6 M6 M
ChangeInTaxPayable102 M16 M-24 M-32 M-55 M235 M-70 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital352 M90 M16 M-207 M80 M600000.0-155 M-340 M-315 M163 M
ChangesInAccountReceivables315 M54 M-178 M-300 M40 M545 M-358 M-839 M107 M110 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-87 M-104 M-145 M-162 M-181 M-216 M-268 M-330 M-378 M-453 M
CommonStockPayments-1,084 M-147 M-193 M-471 M-1,047 M-1,842 M-2,392 M-1,349 M
Current deferred income taxes-72 M38 M47 M-210 M92 M105 M60 M57 M81 M61 M
Deferred income taxes-72 M38 M47 M-210 M92 M105 M60 M57 M81 M61 M
Depreciation458 M605 M655 M883 M1,344 M1,364 M1,550 M1,534 M
Depreciation unreconciled458 M606 M655 M883 M1,078 M1,344 M1,364 M1,550 M1,534 M1,765 M
DepreciationAndAmortization458 M606 M655 M883 M1,078 M1,344 M1,364 M1,550 M1,534 M
EarningsLossesFromEquityInvestments7 M-11 M-14 M-11 M2 M-5 M-1 M4 M21 M-2 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-108 M20 M2 M33 M-54 M-52 M103 M-66 M-29 M56 M
FinancingCashFlow-141 M-703 M498 M3,277 M-2,054 M481 M-3,430 M-2,951 M-3,350 M2,205 M
Free cash flow1,401 M1,237 M1,026 M1,815 M3,084 M2,402 M3,079 M2,684 M2,541 M2,961 M
GainLossOnInvestmentSecurities-9 M33 M
GainLossOnSaleOfBusiness11 M-47 M
GainLossOnSaleOfPPE-1 M19 M12 M-9 M-21 M-83 M-68 M-104 M-68 M2 M
IncomeTaxPaidSupplementalData279 M351 M360 M278 M337 M194 M670 M715 M795 M771 M
InterestPaidSupplementalData63 M85 M102 M234 M291 M329 M313 M330 M354 M491 M
Issuance of capital stock4 M800000.03 M1,484 M
Issuance of debt-3 M412 M1,460 M-1,500 M550 M
IssuanceOfCapitalStock4 M800000.03 M1,484 M
IssuanceOfDebt-58 M-577 M646 M3,352 M-1,819 M1,329 M-2,115 M-723 M-585 M580 M
Net cash from financing activities-141 M-703 M498 M3,277 M-2,054 M481 M-3,430 M-2,951 M-3,350 M2,205 M
Net cash from investing activities-1,399 M-1,181 M-2,387 M-5,444 M-935 M-1,214 M-1,386 M-1,799 M-2,276 M-6,604 M
Net cash from operating activities1,715 M1,888 M1,926 M2,163 M3,084 M3,721 M4,087 M3,945 M4,345 M4,817 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents67 M24 M38 M29 M40 M2,935 M-626 M-806 M-1,281 M419 M
Net income from continuing operations930 M1,191 M1,209 M1,678 M1,821 M2,358 M2,706 M2,683 M3,091 M2,732 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-835 M-456 M-1,484 M-5,381 M11 M76 M-1,623 M-323 M-878 M-4,297 M
NetCapitalExpenditureDisposals-563 M-726 M-899 M-142 M-1,318 M-1,008 M-1,261 M-1,542 M-1,856 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-1,080 M-146 M3 M-193 M-471 M-1,047 M-1,842 M-2,392 M-1,349 M
NetForeignCurrencyExchangeGainLoss21 M-16 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale-308 M92 M-19 M51 M-197 M139 M49 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale-308 M92 M-19 M51 M-197 M139 M49 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt-58 M-577 M646 M3,352 M-1,819 M1,329 M-2,115 M-723 M-585 M580 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance-58 M-577 M646 M3,352 M-1,819 M-131 M-615 M-723 M-585 M31 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-563 M-807 M-899 M132 M216 M-1,318 M181 M-1,261 M-1,542 M-1,856 M
Operating (gains) losses14 M-20 M-3 M-29 M-19 M-88 M8 M-87 M-125 M-24 M
Other financing charges net1,026 M-12 M-6 M280 M-53 M-161 M-57 M3,392 M
Other investing changes net-1 M81 M-4 M882 M-17 M29 M5 M-18 M6 M-500 M
Other non-cash items33 M-18 M800000.048 M32 M2 M145 M82 M80 M120 M
Payment of cash dividends87 M104 M145 M162 M181 M216 M268 M330 M378 M453 M
PensionAndEmployeeBenefitExpense-3 M-27 M-4 M44 M
ProceedsFromStockOptionExercised4 M-9 M3 M200000.0200000.0200000.0800000.05 M36 M
Purchase of short term investments1,044 M640 M852 M4,703 M217 M1,490 M17 M990 M-1 M3,895 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-19 M-49 M-197 M-56 M-118 M
PurchaseOfLongTermInvestments-19 M-49 M-197 M-56 M-118 M
PurchaseOfPPE-634 M-906 M-994 M-1,169 M-1,408 M-1,222 M-1,664 M-1,804 M-1,943 M
Repayment of debt-1,102 M-1,217 M-206 M-1,351 M-2,037 M-1,621 M-631 M-1,713 M-583 M-3,864 M
RepaymentOfDebt-1,102 M-1,217 M-3 M-1,308 M-2,037 M-175 M-2,115 M-1,713 M-440 M-3,864 M
Repurchase of capital stock-1,084 M-147 M-193 M-471 M-1,047 M-1,842 M-2,392 M-1,349 M
Revenue per share-1 M606 M655 M
Sale of Float term investments-308 M101 M194 M168 M
SaleOfBusiness95 M81 M137 M24 M185 M262 M
SaleOfInvestment-308 M92 M101 M194 M168 M
SaleOfPPE72 M99 M95 M132 M216 M90 M181 M403 M262 M87 M
ShortTermDebtIssuance1,460 M550 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-3 M412 M1,460 M-1,500 M
UnrealizedGainLossOnInvestmentSecurities-40 M-9 M30 M59 M
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