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KKR Stock Annual Balance Sheet. Download in Excel

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KKR & Co. Inc.

Sector: Financial Services   

Industry: Asset Management

Previous close: 140.56  Open: 141.89  Bid: 140.61  Ask: 141.2
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 126,537 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 3,748,311
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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KKR Balance Sheet

Accounts payable1,220 M1,311 M1,103 M1,373 M1,054 M1,567 M2,047 M11,160 M11,072 M10,974 M
Accounts receivable617 M444 M49 M138 M27 M27 M76 M
Accrued expenses2,384 M2,188 M2,399 M2,788 M2,108 M2,602 M3,493 M11,160 M11,072 M10,974 M
AccruedInterestReceivable594 M373 M159 M190 M242 M156 M146 M
Accumulated depreciation & depletion-123 M-135 M-142 M-157 M-113 M-133 M-151 M
Additional paid in capital8,106 M8,566 M8,688 M8,997 M16,284 M17,549 M
Cash and equivalents2,291 M2,520 M4,134 M3,679 M2,445 M3,163 M6,508 M
CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments918 M1,048 M2,509 M1,877 M1,751 M2,347 M5,849 M
Common par491 M491 M1,607 M1,116 M1,124 M9 M
Common stock equity8,650 M10,807 M13,717 M1,116 M18,808 M22,859 M
CommonStock8 M6 M6 M6 M9 M9 M
Cost in excess89 M89 M89 M84 M84 M84 M84 M
CurrentAccruedExpenses953 M696 M837 M1,055 M754 M716 M1,033 M
Deferred revenues27 M22 M
DeferredAcquisitionCosts448 M821 M1,155 M
DeferredFinancingCosts62 M69 M68 M
DerivativeProductLiabilities147 M188 M175 M330 M96 M74 M679 M
EmployeeBenefits21 M36 M108 M132 M151 M
FinancialAssets529 M641 M322 M182 M218 M212 M258 M
Float term debt10,838 M18,715 M18,544 M21,194 M22,341 M27,013 M33,424 M
GoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets298 M266 M224 M213 M84 M84 M84 M
Gross fixed assets (Plant Property & Equipment)660 M717 M702 M773 M790 M1,102 M1,103 M
IncomeTaxPayable6 M9 M
Intangibles209 M177 M135 M129 M10 M
InterestPayable62 M102 M115 M169 M213 M234 M182 M1,070 M1,551 M2,772 M
Invested capital21,655 M37,429 M37,088 M42,368 M53,329 M64,831 M47,963 M53,378 M18,808 M22,859 M
LimitedPartnershipCapital5,403 M5,547 M5,940 M7,205 M
LongTermCapitalLeaseObligation125 M192 M246 M401 M
LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligation10,838 M18,715 M18,544 M21,194 M22,341 M27,138 M33,615 M
LongTermProvisions254 M235 M
Minority interest46,021 M43,732 M10,546 M12,866 M15,610 M19,695 M27,083 M82 M36,411 M34,905 M
Net fixed assets (net PP&E)537 M582 M560 M617 M676 M969 M951 M
NetOtherUnrealizedGainLoss5,339 M-2,964 M3,802 M
Non-current deferred income taxes52 M58 M199 M
NonCurrentDeferredAssets299 M376 M315 M139 M552 M171 M107 M
NonCurrentDeferredLiabilities69 M76 M199 M
NonCurrentDeferredTaxesAssets238 M275 M287 M132 M538 M159 M84 M-23 M
NonCurrentPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlans126,520 M141,223 M
NonCurrentPrepaidAssets16 M7 M
NotesReceivable22,550 M
Other current assets7,940 M15,370 M13,966 M
Other equity adjustments-20 M-29 M-19 M-40 M-42 M-19 M
Other fixed assets660 M717 M702 M773 M790 M1,102 M1,103 M
Other non-current assets249 M90 M74 M110 M147 M140 M99 M
Other non-current liabilities755 M444 M676 M824 M708 M452 M869 M34 M
Other receivable1,229 M817 M498 M151 M842 M29,251 M35,651 M39,780 M
OtherCurrentLiabilities313 M4,131 M4,107 M
OtherEquityInterest4 M3 M-5 M
OtherPayable73 M27 M87 M-25,035 M-27,663 M
Payables1,431 M1,492 M1,562 M1,733 M1,354 M1,886 M2,461 M11,160 M11,072 M10,974 M
Preferred securities of subsidiary trust1,116 M1,116 M
PreferredSecuritiesOutsideStockEquity300 M189 M632 M611 M1,123 M82 M152 M615 M
PreferredStock1,116 M1,116 M
Prepaid expenses40 M38 M65 M109 M93 M99 M103 M
RecievablesAdjustmentsAllowances-120 M-374 M-560 M-602 M
Restricted cash103 M268 M212 M56 M196 M74 M486 M
Retained earnings92 M1,792 M3,441 M7,460 M1,399 M5,301 M
Total assets65,873 M71,042 M39,003 M45,835 M50,743 M60,899 M79,807 M7,940 M15,370 M317,294 M
Total current assets3,793 M3,782 M6,098 M5,544 M4,159 M4,388 M9,033 M7,940 M15,370 M13,966 M
Total current liabilities2,429 M2,228 M2,399 M2,788 M2,108 M2,602 M3,493 M11,160 M15,203 M15,081 M
Total equity8,650 M10,807 M13,717 M1,116 M18,808 M22,859 M
Total liabilities14,469 M21,763 M22,517 M25,782 M26,483 M30,397 M39,007 M11,160 M15,355 M258,915 M
Total non-current assets62,080 M67,260 M32,905 M40,291 M46,585 M56,511 M70,774 M
Total non-current liabilities12,040 M19,536 M20,118 M22,995 M24,376 M27,795 M35,513 M82 M152 M615 M
TotalEquityGrossMinority1,116 M55,219 M57,763 M
TotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest1,116 M55,219 M57,763 M
TotalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest65,873 M71,042 M38,853 M45,835 M50,740 M60,899 M79,807 M12,276 M70,574 M317,294 M
TotalNonCurrentLiabilitiesNetMinorityInteres12,040 M19,536 M20,118 M22,995 M24,376 M27,795 M35,513 M82 M152 M615 M
TotalPartnershipCapital5,383 M5,547 M5,940 M7,186 M
TotalTaxPayable6 M9 M13 M36 M24 M33 M88 M
Working capital4,201 M4,119 M5,609 M4,695 M4,866 M4,861 M3,213 M-3,221 M167 M-1,115 M
ltinv60,168 M65,306 M31,410 M39,014 M44,908 M54,936 M69,275 M212,539 M216,575 M240,005 M
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