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MHH Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

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Mastech Digital Inc

Sector: Industrials   

Industry: Staffing & Outsourcing Services

Previous close: 13.05  Open: 14.04  Bid: 12.18  Ask: 14.28
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 153 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 29,343
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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MHH Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in other current liabilities72000.0191000.0-145000.0234000.0-172000.0-21000.0146000.066000.0-337000.0477000.0
(Increase) Decrease in payables-495000.0699000.0-250000.02 M-901000.0-100000.0-2 M2 M-479000.0186000.0
(Increase) Decrease in receivables-281000.0-4 M-2 M-3 M-7 M6 M2 M-11 M1 M13 M
Acquisitions-17 M-9 M
AssetImpairmentCharge75000.010 M80000.0130000.050000.05 M
CapitalExpenditureReported679000.0168000.0105000.01 M771000.01 M298000.02 M835000.0335000.0
Cash at beginning of period424000.03 M848000.0829000.02 M1 M3 M8 M7 M7 M
Cash at end of period3 M848000.0829000.02 M1 M3 M3 M7 M7 M21 M
Cash flow3 M3 M2 M3 M11 M22 M21 M8 M13 M16 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-733000.0-17 M-38000.0-36 M-12 M-7 M-10 M-5 M-818000.0-216000.0
ChangeInAccountPayable-495000.0699000.0-250000.02 M-901000.0-100000.0-2 M2 M-479000.0186000.0
ChangeInAccruedExpense348000.01 M-945000.01000000.0-461000.0-264000.091000.0202000.0-41000.0-248000.0
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense-147000.02 M-1 M3 M-1 M-364000.0-2 M3 M-520000.0-62000.0
ChangeInPrepaidAssets-144000.0348000.0-173000.0-618000.0283000.0-386000.0251000.0-3 M95000.0-2 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital-500000.0-2 M-3 M-1 M-9 M5 M1 M-11 M259000.011 M
ChangesInAccountReceivables-281000.0-4 M-2 M-3 M-7 M6 M2 M-11 M1 M13 M
Current deferred income taxes59000.0-1000.055000.0-234000.0171000.01 M-2 M1 M655000.0-2 M
Deferred income taxes59000.0-1000.055000.0-234000.0171000.01 M-2 M1 M655000.0-2 M
Depreciation unreconciled28000.029000.038000.099000.0100000.0104000.0284000.082000.073000.073000.0
DepreciationAndAmortization28000.029000.038000.099000.0100000.0104000.04 M4 M4 M4 M
Effect of exchange rate changes10000.0-207000.0-129000.0-187000.0-94000.0-948000.0-94000.0
FinancingCashFlow-376000.012 M-2 M34 M550000.0-13 M-7 M-4 M-10 M-2 M
Free cash flow3 M3 M2 M2 M10 M15 M21 M3 M12 M16 M
IncomeTaxPaidSupplementalData2 M309000.02 M2 M2 M3 M3 M4 M2 M1 M
InterestPaidSupplementalData116000.0243000.0430000.0925000.02 M2 M779000.0623000.0324000.043000.0
Issuance of capital stock6 M168000.0222000.0301000.0263000.0204000.0
Issuance of debt-12000.04 M-802000.05 M5 M-4 M-10 M
IssuanceOfCapitalStock6 M168000.0222000.0301000.0263000.0204000.0
IssuanceOfDebt-12000.013 M-3 M29 M523000.0-14 M-8 M-4 M-12 M-1 M
Net cash from financing activities-376000.012 M-2 M34 M550000.0-13 M-7 M-4 M-10 M-2 M
Net cash from investing activities-733000.0-17 M-38000.0-36 M-12 M-879000.0-10 M-2 M-818000.0-216000.0
Net cash from operating activities3 M3 M2 M3 M11 M16 M21 M5 M13 M16 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents2 M-2 M-19000.02 M-1 M2 M5 M-961000.01 M14 M
Net income from continuing operations3 M3 M3 M2 M7 M11 M10 M12 M9 M-7 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-17 M-6 M-9 M-3 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-784000.0-206000.0-13000.06 M-20000.0155000.0222000.0301000.0263000.0-414000.0
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale-54000.031000.067000.0-35 M-11 M135000.09000.0-199000.017000.0119000.0
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale-54000.031000.067000.0-35 M-11 M135000.09000.0-199000.017000.0119000.0
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt-12000.013 M-3 M29 M523000.0-14 M-8 M-4 M-12 M-1 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance8 M-2 M23 M-4 M-10 M2 M-4 M-12 M-1 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-679000.0-168000.0-105000.0-1 M-771000.0-1 M-298000.0-2 M-835000.0-335000.0
Operating (gains) losses-143000.0956000.02 M476000.0-1 M174000.06 M-420000.0-3 M1 M
Other financing charges net467000.0103000.0241000.0
Other investing changes net-54000.031000.067000.0-35 M-11 M135000.09000.0-199000.017000.0119000.0
Other non-cash items473000.0975000.01 M2 M14 M5 M6 M6 M6 M12 M
PensionAndEmployeeBenefitExpense-190000.0953000.02 M472000.0-1 M174000.06 M-429000.0-3 M1 M
ProceedsFromStockOptionExercised13000.017000.0101000.070000.0118000.07000.01 M229000.01 M
Purchase of Float term investments-54000.0
Purchase of property plant & equipment-679000.0-168000.0-105000.0-1 M-771000.0-1 M-298000.0-2 M-835000.0-335000.0
Purchase of short term investments9 M31 M18 M
PurchaseOfPPE-679000.0-168000.0-105000.0-1 M-771000.0-1 M-298000.0-2 M-835000.0-335000.0
Repayment of debt-900000.0-2 M-7 M-4 M-10 M-16 M-4 M-12 M-1 M
RepaymentOfDebt-12000.04 M-3 M-2 M523000.0-10 M-16 M-4 M-12 M-1 M
Repurchase of capital stock-784000.0-206000.0-13000.0-20000.0-20000.0-13000.0-618000.0
Revenue per share28000.029000.038000.099000.0100000.0104000.0284000.082000.073000.073000.0
SaleOfBusiness-6 M-3 M
ShortTermDebtIssuance-4 M-10 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-12000.04 M-802000.05 M5 M
StockBasedCompensation330000.0262000.0408000.0381000.0470000.0936000.02 M2 M2 M3 M
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