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PBR Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel



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PBR Cash Flow

Invalid dateDec-17Dec-18Dec-19Dec-20Dec-21Dec-22Dec-23
(Increase) Decrease in inventories-171 M-2,108 M-281 M724 M-2,334 M-1,217 M1,564 M
(Increase) Decrease in other current assets-126 M461 M-219 M159 M-289 M-413 M324 M
(Increase) Decrease in other current liabilities83 M996 M-259 M-47 M376 M-95 M-569 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital-1,752 M-3,431 M-7,069 M-1,869 M-4,325 M-5,003 M-3,787 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables2,839 M3,123 M-764 M3,462 M8,089 M-2,800 M-1,385 M
(Increase) Decrease in receivables-879 M-1,535 M2,233 M1000000.0-2,075 M355 M88 M
Acquisitions-2,069 M-44 M-7 M-942 M-24 M-27 M-24 M
Amortization of intangibles77 M
AssetImpairmentCharge1,536 M2,513 M3,171 M7,714 M-3,191 M2,017 M2,673 M
CapitalExpenditureReported13,639 M11,905 M3 M5,874 M6,325 M9,581 M12,114 M
Cash at beginning of period21,205 M22,519 M13,899 M7,377 M11,725 M55,416 M7,996 M
Cash at end of period22,519 M13,899 M7,377 M11,725 M10,480 M7,996 M12,727 M
Cash flow26,715 M25,447 M25,277 M28,890 M37,791 M49,717 M43,212 M
Cash from disc. financing activities-1,177 M-156 M-508 M
Cash from disc. investing activities727 M-44 M1,812 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-12,727 M-4,460 M-3,496 M-4,510 M2,157 M-2,284 M-7,955 M
CashFromDiscontinuedOperatingActivities397 M906 M323 M
ChangeInAccountPayable-121 M858 M-989 M216 M1,073 M-359 M-954 M
ChangeInIncomeTaxPayable2,960 M2,265 M225 M3,246 M7,016 M-2,441 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense2,839 M3,123 M-764 M3,462 M8,089 M-2,800 M-1,385 M
ChangeInPrepaidAssets-1,669 M-2,040 M-2,144 M-859 M
ChangeInTaxPayable2,960 M2,265 M225 M3,246 M7,016 M-2,441 M-431 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital-1,675 M-2,494 M-6,359 M2,430 M-558 M-9,173 M-3,765 M
ChangesInAccountReceivables-978 M-1,191 M1000000.0-2,075 M355 M88 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-625 M-1,877 M-1,367 M-13,078 M-37,701 M-19,719 M
CommonStockPayments-6,906 M
Current deferred income taxes400 M370 M2,798 M-4,916 M3,072 M16,770 M
Deferred income taxes400 M370 M2,798 M-4,916 M3,072 M16,770 M
Depreciation13,307 M12,028 M11,445 M11,695 M13,218 M13,280 M
Depreciation unreconciled140 M113 M707 M89 M86 M894 M13,280 M
DepreciationAndAmortization13,307 M12,028 M11,445 M11,695 M13,218 M13,280 M
EarningsLossesFromEquityInvestments-673 M-523 M-153 M659 M-1,607 M-251 M304 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-125 M-619 M1,631 M-773 M-402 M-1,671 M174 M
FinancingCashFlow-13,673 M-29,850 M-32,069 M-19,259 M-40,791 M-272,073 M-30,700 M
Free cash flow16,564 M20,239 M27,655 M34,346 M-3,395 M44,982 M31,098 M
GainLossOnInvestmentSecurities-217 M-523 M659 M-1,607 M-251 M-1,295 M
GainLossOnSaleOfPPE421 M
Issuance of debt-36,095 M-34,013 M-32,480 M-31,607 M-21,413 M-9,334 M
IssuanceOfDebt-9,020 M-23,306 M-25,016 M-14,584 M-25,355 M-11,884 M
Net cash from financing activities-12,496 M-29,694 M-31,561 M-19,259 M-40,791 M-51,453 M-30,700 M
Net cash from investing activities-12,000 M-4,504 M-1,684 M-4,510 M2,157 M-2,284 M-7,955 M
Net cash from operating activities27,112 M26,353 M25,600 M28,890 M37,791 M262,894 M43,212 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents1,314 M-8,620 M-8,153 M5,121 M-843 M-11,464 M4,557 M
Net income from continuing operations169 M7,414 M10,363 M-948 M19,986 M36,755 M24,995 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-2,069 M-44 M-7 M-942 M-24 M-27 M-24 M
NetCapitalExpenditureDisposals-12,114 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-6,906 M
NetForeignCurrencyExchangeGainLoss9,413 M7,941 M8,460 M11,094 M10,795 M4,557 M2,498 M
NetIntangiblesPurchaseAndSale-11,905 M-8,358 M5,874 M-6,325 M-9,581 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale-861 M704 M198 M66 M4 M-3,328 M3,704 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale-861 M704 M198 M66 M4 M-3,328 M3,704 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt-9,020 M-23,306 M-25,016 M-14,584 M-25,355 M-11,884 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance-6,543 M-23,306 M-25,016 M-14,584 M-25,355 M-11,884 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-13,546 M-11,905 M-23,897 M-5,874 M-6,325 M-9,581 M-12,114 M
NetTechnologyPurchaseAndSale8,361 M4 M
Operating (gains) losses9,653 M9,020 M4,381 M10,296 M9,386 M4,390 M4,267 M
Other financing charges net-148 M-5,763 M-4,668 M-3,308 M-105 M-81 M-4,075 M
Other investing changes net3,087 M5,791 M10,413 M1,997 M7,721 M12,130 M479 M
Other non-cash items66 M-812 M-1,670 M1,161 M-431 M-2,808 M4,066 M
Payment of cash dividends625 M1,877 M1,367 M13,078 M37,701 M19,719 M
PensionAndEmployeeBenefitExpense2,569 M2,018 M2,086 M-1,001 M2,098 M1,228 M1,542 M
ProceedsFromStockOptionExercised-6,981 M-5,791 M-24 M63 M
Purchase of property plant & equipment-13,546 M-11,905 M-23,897 M-5,874 M-6,325 M9,581 M
Purchase of short term investments27,075 M10,707 M7,464 M17,023 M1,885 M2,880 M
PurchaseOfIntangibles-11,905 M-15,341 M5,874 M-6,325 M-9,581 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-861 M-44 M-7 M
PurchaseOfPPE-13,546 M-11,905 M-23,897 M-5,874 M-6,325 M-9,581 M-12,114 M
PurchaseOfTechnology8,361 M4 M
Repayment of debt-33,618 M-34,013 M-32,480 M-31,607 M-27,240 M-14,764 M
RepaymentOfDebt-36,095 M-34,013 M-32,480 M-31,607 M-27,240 M-14,764 M
Repurchase of capital stock-6,906 M
Sale of Float term investments3,606 M
Sale of short term investments98 M
SaleOfBusiness1,511 M
SaleOfIntangibles8,361 M
SaleOfInvestment704 M198 M66 M3,704 M
SaleOfPPE3,091 M5,791 M10,413 M1,997 M4,783 M4,846 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-36,095 M-34,013 M-32,480 M-31,607 M-21,413 M-9,334 M
Total net income948 M106,668 M
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