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ADI Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

Analog Devices Inc. logo

Analog Devices Inc.

Sector: Technology   

Industry: Semiconductors

Previous close: 214.61  Open: 217.265  Bid: 220.22  Ask: 221.5
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 100,977 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 3,224,511
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025

ADI Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in inventories-36 M38 M-47 M-35 M-43 M2 M-65 M-471 M-242 M191 M
(Increase) Decrease in other current liabilities10 M9 M25 M704 M-48 M-129 M-32 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital-71 M-84 M24 M-35 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables25 M10 M120 M-18 M-6 M103 M208 M80 M-763 M-42 M
(Increase) Decrease in receivables-71 M-9 M-66 M46 M6 M-102 M-115 M-344 M331 M133 M
Acquisitions-7 M-83 M-9,633 M-53 M-11 M-14 M2,451 M
Amortization of intangibles92 M75 M389 M571 M571 M577 M843 M2,000 M2,000 M1,700 M
AssetImpairmentCharge92 M
CapitalExpenditureReported154 M127 M204 M255 M275 M166 M344 M699 M1,261 M730 M
Cash at beginning of period569 M884 M921 M1,048 M817 M648 M1,056 M1,978 M1,471 M958 M
Cash at end of period884 M921 M1,048 M817 M648 M1,056 M1,978 M1,471 M958 M1,991 M
Cash flow908 M1,281 M1,154 M2,442 M2,253 M2,008 M2,735 M4,475 M4,818 M3,853 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-17 M-1,218 M-6,618 M-314 M-293 M-181 M2,144 M-657 M-1,266 M-1,105 M
ChangeInAccountPayable-18 M-6 M103 M208 M172 M-499 M-134 M
ChangeInIncomeTaxPayable25 M10 M120 M-4 M-92 M-264 M92 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense25 M10 M120 M-18 M-6 M103 M208 M80 M-763 M-42 M
ChangeInPrepaidAssets7 M-10 M804000.0-2 M-12 M-4 M-59 M-65 M5 M-53 M
ChangeInTaxPayable25 M10 M120 M-4 M-92 M-264 M92 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital-64 M37 M32 M695 M-103 M-130 M-101 M-884 M-646 M195 M
ChangesInAccountReceivables-71 M-9 M-66 M46 M6 M-102 M-115 M-344 M331 M133 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-491 M-513 M-602 M-703 M-777 M-886 M-1,109 M-1,545 M-1,679 M-1,795 M
CommonStockPayments-227 M-370 M-47 M-226 M-613 M-244 M-2,605 M-2,577 M-2,964 M-616 M
Current deferred income taxes-52 M8 M-826 M-730 M-91 M-114 M-407 M-327 M-453 M-368 M
Deferred income taxes-52 M8 M-826 M-730 M-91 M-114 M-407 M-327 M-453 M-368 M
Depreciation130 M135 M195 M229 M241 M234 M231 M283 M335 M363 M
Depreciation unreconciled222 M210 M584 M799 M811 M811 M1,075 M2,283 M2,335 M2,063 M
DepreciationAndAmortization222 M210 M584 M799 M811 M811 M1,075 M2,297 M2,335 M2,063 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-4 M-3 M4 M-2 M-1 M182000.03 M-35 M
ExcessTaxBenefitFromStockBasedCompensation-25 M-10 M-42 M
FinancingCashFlow-572 M-23 M5,587 M-2,358 M-2,127 M-1,421 M-3,960 M-4,291 M-4,064 M-1,714 M
Free cash flow754 M1,153 M950 M2,187 M1,978 M1,843 M2,391 M3,776 M3,556 M3,122 M
GainLossOnSaleOfPPE-14 M
Issuance of capital stock123 M61 M133 M99 M117 M68 M63 M34 M119 M121 M
Issuance of debt5,287 M10,184 M
IssuanceOfCapitalStock123 M61 M133 M99 M117 M68 M63 M34 M119 M121 M
IssuanceOfDebt857 M6,106 M-1,531 M-850 M-354 M348 M-223 M5,221 M10,772 M
Net cash from financing activities-572 M-23 M5,587 M-2,358 M-2,127 M-1,421 M-3,960 M-4,291 M-4,064 M-1,714 M
Net cash from investing activities-17 M-1,218 M-6,618 M-314 M-293 M-181 M2,144 M-657 M-1,266 M-1,105 M
Net cash from operating activities908 M1,281 M1,154 M2,442 M2,253 M2,008 M2,735 M4,475 M4,818 M3,853 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents319 M37 M127 M-231 M-167 M407 M922 M-473 M-513 M1,033 M
Net income from continuing operations697 M862 M727 M1,507 M1,363 M1,221 M1,390 M2,749 M3,315 M1,635 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-7 M-83 M-9,633 M-53 M-11 M-14 M2,451 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-104 M-309 M87 M-127 M-496 M-176 M-2,542 M-2,543 M-2,845 M-494 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale144 M-1,008 M3,219 M-6 M-7 M-635000.037 M42 M-5 M-374 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale144 M-1,008 M3,219 M-6 M-7 M-635000.037 M42 M-5 M-374 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt857 M6,106 M-1,531 M-850 M-354 M348 M-223 M5,221 M10,772 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance857 M6,106 M-1,531 M-850 M-354 M348 M-223 M-66 M588 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-154 M-127 M-204 M-255 M-275 M-166 M-344 M-699 M-1,261 M-730 M
Operating (gains) losses54 M86 M544 M-16 M82 M66 M559 M
Other financing charges net24 M-32 M2 M3 M-3 M-4 M-656 M20 M-4,761 M-10,197 M
Other investing changes net-8 M-19 M-16 M-6 M-7 M-635000.037 M42 M-5 M-5 M
Other non-cash items51 M78 M93 M188 M191 M155 M220 M640 M308 M286 M
Payment of cash dividends491 M513 M602 M703 M777 M886 M1,109 M1,545 M1,679 M1,795 M
Purchase of Float term investments-6,084 M-7,697 M-705 M-439 M
Purchase of property plant & equipment-154 M-127 M-204 M-255 M-275 M-166 M-344 M-699 M-1,261 M-730 M
Purchase of short term investments1,235 M11,156 M744 M1,250 M396 M3,940 M296 M1,088 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-6,084 M-7,697 M-705 M-439 M
PurchaseOfPPE-154 M-127 M-204 M-255 M-275 M-166 M-344 M-699 M-1,261 M-730 M
Repayment of debt-378 M-5,050 M-2,275 M-2,100 M-750 M-3,592 M-519 M-66 M-500 M
RepaymentOfDebt-378 M-5,050 M-2,275 M-2,175 M-1,100 M-3,992 M-919 M-66 M-500 M
Repurchase of capital stock-227 M-370 M-47 M-226 M-613 M-244 M-2,605 M-2,577 M-2,964 M-616 M
Revenue per share92 M75 M389 M571 M571 M577 M843 M2,000 M2,000 M1,700 M
Sale of short term investments6,236 M6,708 M3,940 M69 M
SaleOfInvestment6,236 M6,708 M3,940 M69 M
SaleOfPPE36 M
ShortTermDebtIssuance75 M350 M400 M400 M5,287 M10,184 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-75 M-350 M-400 M-400 M
StockBasedCompensation69 M63 M104 M151 M150 M150 M244 M323 M300 M263 M
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