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BAC Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

Bank of America Corporation logo

Bank of America Corporation

Sector: Financial Services   

Industry: Banks - Global

Previous close: 46.96  Open: 46.56  Bid: 46.53  Ask: 46.55
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 356,112 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 32,238,738
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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BAC Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in other current assets5,828 M2,645 M-13,802 M-20,090 M11,920 M-11,113 M-12,883 M-34,455 M20,799 M-23,944 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital-1,714 M-2,218 M1,331 M7,351 M-2,570 M6,211 M3,886 M4,651 M1,222 M7,708 M
Acquisitions4,030 M50 M-2,117 M-1,292 M
Amortization of intangibles936 M834 M730 M621 M538 M
AmortizationOfFinancingCostsAndDiscounts46,328 M40,865 M32,021 M27,602 M
Cash at beginning of period131,322 M138,589 M159,353 M147,738 M157,434 M177,404 M161,560 M380,463 M348,221 M230,203 M
Cash at end of period138,589 M159,353 M147,745 M157,440 M177,375 M161,534 M380,463 M348,221 M230,203 M333,073 M
Cash flow30,135 M28,347 M18,368 M9,870 M39,491 M61,751 M37,993 M-7,193 M-6,327 M44,982 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-7,600 M-55,571 M-63,143 M-51,541 M-71,468 M-80,630 M-177,665 M-313,291 M-2,529 M-35,387 M
ChangeInAccruedExpense9,702 M730 M-35 M4,673 M13,010 M16,363 M-4,385 M16,639 M23,029 M-17,719 M
ChangeInFederalFundsAndSecuritiesSoldForRepurchase3,171 M-26,986 M-4,000 M7,024 M-2,408 M-21,879 M5,214 M22,006 M3,306 M88,252 M
ChangeInInterestPayable9,702 M730 M-35 M4,673 M13,010 M16,363 M-4,385 M16,639 M23,029 M-17,719 M
ChangeInLoans-40,113 M-37,933 M-33,100 M-43,500 M-28,100 M-28,900 M-19,657 M-43,635 M-24,862 M-15,621 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense9,702 M730 M-35 M4,673 M13,010 M16,363 M-4,385 M16,639 M23,029 M-17,719 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital-26,297 M-36,776 M-45,606 M-51,566 M-5,740 M-17,439 M-33,039 M-56,800 M20,188 M-49,576 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-2,306 M-3,574 M-4,194 M-5,700 M-6,895 M-5,934 M-7,727 M-8,055 M-8,576 M-9,087 M
CommonStockPayments-1,675 M-2,374 M-5,112 M-12,814 M-20,094 M-28,144 M-7,025 M-25,126 M-5,073 M-4,576 M
Current deferred income taxes726 M2,924 M5,793 M8,175 M3,041 M2,435 M-1,737 M-838 M739 M-2,011 M
Deferred income taxes726 M2,924 M5,793 M8,175 M3,041 M2,435 M-1,737 M-838 M739 M-2,011 M
Depreciation2,063 M1,729 M1,843 M1,898 M1,978 M2,057 M
Depreciation unreconciled3,624 M3,447 M3,864 M2,872 M3,887 M3,795 M5,944 M7,735 M4,050 M1,660 M
DepreciationAndAmortization3,624 M3,447 M3,864 M2,872 M3,887 M3,795 M1,843 M1,898 M1,978 M2,057 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-3,067 M-597 M240 M2,105 M-1,200 M-368 M2,756 M-3,408 M-3,123 M-70 M
FinancingCashFlow-12,201 M48,585 M32,927 M49,268 M53,118 M3,377 M355,819 M291,650 M-106,039 M93,345 M
Free cash flow30,135 M28,347 M18,368 M9,870 M39,491 M61,751 M37,993 M-7,193 M-6,327 M44,982 M
GainLossOnInvestmentSecurities-1,354 M-1,138 M-490 M-255 M-154 M-217 M-411 M-22 M-32 M405 M
IncomeTaxPaidSupplementalData2,558 M2,326 M1,633 M3,235 M2,470 M4,359 M2,894 M2,760 M2,288 M3,405 M
IncreaseDecreaseInDeposit-335 M78,347 M63,675 M48,611 M71,931 M53,327 M360,677 M268,966 M-134,190 M-6,514 M
InterestPaidSupplementalData11,082 M10,623 M10,510 M12,852 M19,087 M22,196 M8,662 M4,506 M18,526 M69,604 M
Issuance of debt-14,827 M-3,074 M-4,014 M8,538 M-12,478 M4,004 M-4,893 M4,432 M3,179 M5,162 M
IssuanceOfDebt-17,003 M231 M-20,326 M12,544 M11,232 M5,630 M4,172 M34,281 M35,034 M25,987 M
Net cash from financing activities-12,201 M48,585 M32,927 M49,268 M53,118 M3,377 M355,819 M291,650 M-106,039 M93,345 M
Net cash from investing activities-7,600 M-55,571 M-63,143 M-51,541 M-71,468 M-80,630 M-177,665 M-313,291 M-2,529 M-35,387 M
Net cash from operating activities30,135 M28,347 M18,368 M9,870 M39,491 M61,751 M37,993 M-7,193 M-6,327 M44,982 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents7,267 M20,764 M-11,608 M9,702 M19,941 M-15,502 M216,147 M-28,834 M-114,895 M102,940 M
Net income from continuing operations4,833 M15,836 M17,822 M45,599 M33,446 M69,131 M65,205 M39,964 M-34,134 M91,562 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale4,030 M50 M-2,117 M-1,292 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-1,675 M-2,374 M-5,112 M-12,814 M-20,094 M-28,144 M-7,025 M-25,126 M-5,073 M-4,576 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale73,973 M61,579 M87,477 M-24 M-19,177 M-5,319 M-167,189 M-241,335 M35,144 M31,599 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale73,973 M61,579 M87,477 M-24 M-19,177 M-5,319 M-167,189 M-241,335 M35,144 M31,599 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt-17,003 M231 M-20,326 M12,544 M11,232 M5,630 M4,172 M34,281 M35,034 M25,987 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance-2,176 M3,305 M-16,312 M4,006 M11,232 M1,626 M9,065 M29,849 M31,855 M20,825 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-1,160 M
NetPreferredStockIssuance5,957 M2,964 M2,947 M3 M1,075 M1,109 M198 M3,772 M
NetProceedsPaymentForLoan163,794 M102,871 M46,300 M-35,954 M-14,556 M-40,570 M44,693 M-52,807 M-65,051 M-11,754 M
Operating (gains) losses-1,354 M-1,138 M-490 M-255 M-154 M-217 M-411 M-22 M-32 M405 M
Other financing charges net-10 M-23 M-63 M-397 M-651 M-698 M-601 M-620 M-312 M-717 M
Other investing changes net77,781 M84,949 M108,699 M8,411 M-1,986 M-2,974 M-3,489 M-3,479 M-4,612 M-5,258 M
Other non-cash items48,603 M44,054 M36,985 M5,045 M5,011 M4,046 M2,031 M2,768 M2,862 M2,942 M
Payment of cash dividends2,306 M3,574 M4,194 M5,700 M6,895 M5,934 M7,727 M8,055 M8,576 M9,087 M
PaymentForLoans8,630 M-64,524 M-43,477 M-47,950 M-35,921 M-52,771 M31,342 M-63,203 M-91,808 M-22,835 M
PreferredStockIssuance5,957 M2,964 M2,947 M4,515 M3,643 M2,181 M2,169 M4,426 M
PreferredStockPayments-4,512 M-2,568 M-1,072 M-1,971 M-654 M
ProceedsFromLoans155,164 M167,395 M89,777 M11,996 M21,365 M12,201 M13,351 M10,396 M26,757 M11,081 M
ProceedsPaymentFederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementToResell-1,495 M-659 M-5,742 M-14,523 M-48,384 M-13,466 M-29,461 M53,338 M-16,854 M-13,050 M
ProceedsPaymentInInterestBearingDepositsInBank-247,902 M-219,412 M-189,061 M-166,975 M
Purchase of property plant & equipment-1,160 M
Purchase of short term investments51,573 M43,670 M35,537 M53,486 M64,278 M52,420 M57,013 M76,675 M65,910 M65,396 M
PurchaseOfFixedMaturitySecurities-13,274 M-36,575 M-39,899 M-25,088 M-35,980 M-37,115 M-257,535 M-362,736 M-24,096 M-98 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-13,274 M-36,575 M-39,899 M-25,088 M-35,980 M-37,115 M-257,535 M-362,736 M-24,096 M-98 M
PurchaseOfPPE-1,160 M
Repayment of debt-53,749 M-40,365 M-51,849 M-49,480 M-53,046 M-50,794 M-47,948 M-46,826 M-34,055 M-44,571 M
RepaymentOfDebt-68,576 M-43,439 M-55,863 M-40,942 M-53,046 M-50,794 M-47,948 M-46,826 M-34,055 M-44,571 M
Repurchase of capital stock-1,675 M-2,374 M-5,112 M-12,814 M-20,094 M-28,144 M-7,025 M-25,126 M-5,073 M-4,576 M
Revenue per share3,624 M3,447 M3,864 M2,872 M1,824 M2,066 M4,101 M5,837 M2,072 M-397 M
SaleOfInvestment9,466 M13,205 M18,677 M16,653 M18,789 M34,770 M93,835 M124,880 M63,852 M36,955 M
SalesOfFixedMaturitySecurities7,889 M12,872 M18,677 M16,653 M18,789 M34,770 M93,835 M124,880 M63,852 M36,955 M
ShortTermDebtIssuance4,004 M-4,893 M4,432 M3,179 M5,162 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-14,827 M-3,074 M-4,014 M8,538 M-12,478 M
StockBasedCompensation28 M1,367 M1,649 M1,729 M1,974 M2,031 M2,768 M2,862 M2,942 M
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