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KHC Stock Annual Balance Sheet. Download in Excel

The Kraft Heinz Company logo

The Kraft Heinz Company

Sector: Consumer Defensive   

Industry: Packaged Foods

Previous close: 29.25  Open: 29.215  Bid:   Ask: 29.15
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 0 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 0
Last updated: Saturday 15th February 2025
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KHC Balance Sheet

Accounts payable2,844 M3,996 M4,362 M4,153 M4,003 M4,304 M4,753 M4,848 M4,627 M4,188 M
Accounts receivable871 M769 M921 M2,129 M1,973 M2,063 M1,957 M2,120 M2,112 M2,147 M
Accrued expenses5,280 M5,415 M5,470 M5,283 M5,034 M5,722 M6,366 M5,861 M5,618 M5,148 M
Accumulated depreciation & depletion-906 M-1,830 M-2,089 M-15,936 M-3,187 M-3,563 M-3,868 M-4,212 M-4,803 M-4,737 M
Additional paid in capital58,375 M58,593 M58,634 M58,723 M56,828 M55,096 M53,379 M51,834 M52,037 M52,135 M
Building & improvements1,700 M1,884 M2,232 M2,375 M2,447 M
Cash and equivalents4,837 M4,204 M1,629 M1,130 M2,279 M3,417 M3,445 M1,040 M1,400 M1,334 M
CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments4,837 M4,204 M1,629 M1,130 M2,279 M3,417 M3,445 M1,040 M1,400 M1,334 M
CashEquivalents4,837 M4,204 M1,629 M1,130 M2,279 M3,417 M3,445 M
CommercialPaper642 M448 M
Common par12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M
Common stock equity57,685 M57,358 M65,863 M51,657 M51,623 M50,103 M49,298 M48,678 M49,526 M49,185 M
CommonStock12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M
Construction in progress1,001 M1,600 M1,345 M1,165 M625 M
Cost in excess43,051 M44,125 M44,825 M36,503 M35,546 M33,089 M31,296 M30,833 M30,459 M28,700 M
CurrentAccruedExpenses1,257 M1,164 M1,108 M1,130 M1,031 M1,304 M1,072 M1,013 M991 M960 M
CurrentCapitalLeaseObligation129 M108 M84 M199 M187 M194 M133 M125 M145 M185 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesAssets165 M-29 M-369 M-356 M-270 M-277 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesLiabilities23,678 M22,513 M14,531 M12,716 M12,255 M11,988 M11,525 M11,204 M11,142 M10,487 M
DeferredFinancingCosts99 M53 M15 M25 M31 M
DividendsPayable762 M-2,862 M-2,988 M-3,048 M-1,959 M-1,973 M-1,979 M-1,972 M-1,977 M-1,940 M
EmployeeBenefits2,405 M2,038 M427 M306 M273 M243 M205 M144 M143 M135 M
Finished goods1,662 M1,754 M1,816 M1,814 M1,846 M1,804 M1,682 M2,077 M2,029 M1,871 M
Float term debt25,151 M29,713 M28,308 M30,770 M28,216 M28,070 M21,061 M19,233 M19,394 M19,215 M
GoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets105,171 M103,422 M104,257 M85,971 M84,198 M79,756 M74,838 M73,482 M72,907 M68,799 M
Gross fixed assets (Plant Property & Equipment)7,430 M8,518 M9,150 M23,014 M10,242 M10,439 M10,674 M10,952 M11,925 M11,889 M
IncomeTaxPayable417 M255 M152 M114 M541 M136 M
Intangibles62,120 M59,297 M59,432 M49,468 M48,652 M46,667 M43,542 M42,649 M42,448 M40,099 M
InterestPayable401 M415 M419 M408 M384 M358 M268 M264 M258 M263 M
Inventories2,618 M2,684 M2,760 M2,667 M2,721 M2,773 M2,729 M3,651 M3,614 M3,376 M
Invested capital107,987 M116,784 M122,479 M113,197 M108,055 M106,243 M91,420 M87,144 M88,314 M87,615 M
Land & improvements297 M264 M250 M218 M210 M
Leases195 M126 M121 M135 M148 M
LongTermCapitalLeaseObligation684 M475 M484 M585 M501 M670 M
LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligation25,151 M29,713 M28,308 M30,770 M28,216 M28,070 M21,061 M19,233 M19,394 M19,215 M
Machinery furniture & equipment4,432 M4,770 M5,323 M5,904 M6,552 M
Minority interest231 M216 M213 M121 M126 M140 M154 M192 M196 M140 M
Net fixed assets (net PP&E)6,524 M6,688 M7,061 M7,078 M7,055 M6,876 M6,806 M6,740 M7,122 M7,152 M
Non-current deferred income taxes21,497 M20,848 M14,039 M12,202 M11,878 M11,462 M10,536 M10,152 M10,201 M9,679 M
NonCurrentDeferredLiabilities21,497 M20,848 M14,039 M12,202 M11,878 M11,468 M12,070 M11,629 M11,625 M11,053 M
NonCurrentDeferredRevenue6 M1,534 M1,477 M1,424 M1,374 M
NonCurrentDeferredTaxesAssets-2,334 M-1,807 M-634 M-642 M-586 M-758 M-1,224 M-1,299 M-1,204 M-4,119 M
NonCurrentPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlans2,405 M2,038 M427 M306 M273 M243 M205 M144 M143 M135 M
Other current assets871 M707 M655 M2,597 M740 M2,437 M716 M846 M569 M583 M
Other equity adjustments-671 M-1,628 M-1,054 M-1,943 M-1,886 M-1,967 M-1,824 M
Other fixed assets6,524 M6,688 M7,061 M7,078 M7,055 M6,876 M6,806 M6,740 M7,122 M7,152 M
Other non-current assets1,498 M1,617 M1,573 M1,337 M2,100 M2,376 M2,756 M2,394 M2,381 M4,708 M
Other non-current liabilities752 M806 M1,088 M902 M1,459 M1,745 M1,542 M1,609 M1,418 M1,306 M
Other receivable583 M129 M353 M26,268 M24,977 M26,185 M26,042 M26,485 M26,640 M25,846 M
OtherCurrentBorrowings4 M645 M462 M21 M6 M6 M14 M6 M
OtherCurrentLiabilities1,569 M1,395 M1,489 M1,822 M1,813 M2,103 M1,944 M2,330 M1,781 M1,451 M
OtherInventories2,618 M2,684 M2,760 M2,667 M2,721 M2,773 M2,729 M3,651 M3,614 M3,376 M
OtherPayable-9,468 M-1,247 M-1,194 M-826 M768 M596 M905 M916 M
Payables4,023 M4,251 M4,362 M4,153 M4,003 M4,418 M5,294 M4,848 M4,627 M4,188 M
Preferred securities of subsidiary trust1000000.0920000.0920000.0920000.0
PreferredSecuritiesOutsideStockEquity8,320 M
Prepaid expenses345 M400 M384 M132 M136 M240 M234 M215 M
Raw materials563 M542 M560 M510 M511 M482 M571 M1,032 M1,014 M950 M
RecievablesAdjustmentsAllowances-32 M-24 M-33 M-48 M-48 M-46 M-38 M-26 M
Restricted cash4,255 M1,769 M1,136 M2,280 M3,418 M3,446 M1,041 M1,404 M1,486 M
Retained earnings-671 M-1,040 M7,441 M-6,796 M-4,946 M-4,661 M-1,682 M-2,321 M-1,237 M-744 M
Short term debt83 M2,691 M3,195 M398 M1,028 M236 M754 M837 M638 M654 M
TaxesReceivable260 M538 M152 M173 M
Total assets122,973 M120,480 M120,092 M103,461 M101,450 M99,830 M93,394 M90,513 M90,339 M88,287 M
Total current assets9,780 M8,753 M7,201 M9,075 M8,097 M10,822 M8,994 M7,897 M7,929 M7,655 M
Total current liabilities6,932 M9,501 M10,154 M7,503 M7,875 M8,061 M9,064 M9,028 M8,037 M7,253 M
Total equity57,685 M57,358 M65,863 M51,657 M51,623 M50,103 M49,298 M48,678 M49,526 M49,185 M
Total liabilities65,057 M62,906 M54,016 M51,683 M49,701 M49,587 M43,942 M41,643 M40,617 M38,962 M
Total non-current assets113,193 M111,727 M112,891 M94,386 M93,353 M89,008 M84,400 M82,616 M82,410 M80,659 M
Total non-current liabilities58,125 M53,405 M43,862 M44,180 M41,826 M41,526 M34,878 M32,615 M32,580 M31,709 M
TotalEquityGrossMinority57,916 M57,574 M66,076 M51,778 M51,749 M50,243 M49,452 M48,830 M49,688 M49,319 M
TotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest57,916 M57,574 M66,076 M51,778 M51,749 M50,243 M49,452 M48,830 M49,688 M49,319 M
TotalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest122,973 M120,480 M120,092 M103,461 M101,450 M99,830 M93,394 M90,513 M90,339 M88,287 M
TotalNonCurrentLiabilitiesNetMinorityInteres58,125 M53,405 M43,862 M44,180 M41,826 M41,526 M34,878 M32,615 M32,580 M31,709 M
TotalTaxPayable417 M255 M203 M114 M541 M136 M
Treasury stock-31 M-207 M-224 M-282 M-271 M-344 M-587 M-847 M-1,286 M-2,218 M
UnearnedPremiums-699 M585 M505 M430 M358 M344 M298 M250 M234 M217 M
Work in progress393 M388 M384 M343 M364 M268 M268 M334 M338 M310 M
Working capital2,848 M-748 M-2,953 M1,572 M222 M2,761 M-70 M-1,131 M-108 M402 M
debtc83 M2,691 M3,195 M398 M1,028 M236 M754 M837 M638 M654 M
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