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CB Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

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Chubb Limited

Sector: Financial Services   

Industry: Insurance - Property & Casualty

Previous close: 264.52  Open: 264.8  Bid: 266.3  Ask: 266.8
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 108,014 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 1,668,797
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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CB Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in other current liabilities929 M109 M1,368 M2,625 M1,527 M-344 M5,435 M6,612 M5,038 M4,163 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital149 M313 M268 M100 M-351 M38 M759 M-219 M789 M1,819 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables116 M31 M50 M-882 M536 M-214 M-52 M584 M-217 M-607 M
Acquisitions-766 M233 M-14,304 M-675 M-1,337 M-1,344 M-1,924 M-2,471 M-7,815 M-2,058 M
AssetImpairmentCharge251 M-358 M-1,248 M-1,165 M332 M189 M-148 M
CallsMaturitiesOfMaturitySecurities6,413 M6,567 M9,349 M10,425 M7,352 M9,039 M12,450 M17,361 M9,415 M7,026 M
Cash at beginning of period579 M655 M1,775 M1,088 M851 M1,340 M1,646 M1,836 M1,811 M2,127 M
Cash at end of period655 M1,775 M985 M851 M3,885 M1,503 M1,836 M1,811 M1,811 M2,127 M
Cash flow4,496 M3,864 M5,292 M4,587 M5,480 M6,342 M9,785 M11,149 M6,092 M12,632 M
Cash from disc. investing activities-2,935 M-5,905 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-2,504 M-6,294 M-5,315 M-2,506 M-2,935 M-6,485 M-7,521 M-6,659 M-5,654 M-7,648 M
CashFlowFromDiscontinuedOperation2,545 M437 M2,264 M
CashFromDiscontinuedOperatingActivities5,480 M6,342 M
ChangeInAccountPayable13 M179 M-97 M-517 M375 M-207 M-98 M536 M-68 M-735 M
ChangeInAccruedExpense13 M179 M-97 M-517 M375 M-207 M-98 M
ChangeInDeferredAcquisitionCosts-397 M-435 M-1,449 M-317 M-301 M-344 M-89 M-247 M-396 M-1,100 M
ChangeInIncomeTaxPayable103 M-148 M147 M-365 M161 M-7 M46 M48 M-149 M128 M
ChangeInLossAndLossAdjustmentExpenseReserves317 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense116 M31 M50 M-882 M536 M-214 M-52 M584 M-217 M-607 M
ChangeInPremiumsReceivable-469 M-53 M-616 M-243 M-981 M-270 M-114 M-984 M-696 M-1,072 M
ChangeInPrepaidReinsurancePremiums-89 M-212 M18 M-82 M
ChangeInReinsuranceRecoverableOnPaidAndUnpaidLosses-1,953 M-1,737 M-498 M
ChangeInReinsuranceRecoverableOnUnpaidLosses-1,953 M-1,737 M-498 M
ChangeInTaxPayable103 M-148 M147 M-365 M161 M-7 M46 M48 M-149 M128 M
ChangeInUnearnedPremiums441 M335 M-680 M264 M654 M1,051 M846 M1,857 M1,435 M1,377 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital680 M88 M-1,041 M1,547 M1,084 M-83 M6,785 M5,650 M4,216 M4,082 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-862 M-862 M-1,173 M-1,308 M-1,337 M-1,354 M-1,388 M-1,401 M-1,375 M-1,394 M
CommonStockPayments-1,429 M-758 M-801 M-1,044 M-1,530 M-523 M-4,861 M-2,894 M-2,411 M
Current deferred income taxes145 M113 M96 M-527 M16 M-97 M-333 M-74 M318 M-1,124 M
Deferred income taxes145 M113 M96 M-527 M16 M-97 M-333 M-74 M318 M-1,124 M
DepreciationAndAmortization188 M158 M2,315 M954 M931 M700 M290 M287 M285 M310 M
EarningsLossesFromEquityInvestments-1,019 M-2,433 M-1000000.0-867 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-139 M-145 M-25 M1000000.0-65 M20 M8 M-106 M-146 M-1000000.0
FinancingCashFlow-1,777 M3,695 M-742 M-2,319 M-1,991 M-151 M-2,082 M-4,409 M-5,142 M-4,489 M
Free cash flow4,496 M3,864 M5,292 M4,587 M10,960 M12,684 M9,785 M11,149 M11,258 M12,632 M
GainLossOnInvestmentSecurities420 M145 M-84 M652 M530 M498 M-1,152 M1,085 M607 M
IncomeTaxPaidSupplementalData349 M469 M662 M736 M503 M912 M902 M1,298 M1,242 M1,465 M
InterestPaidSupplementalData264 M259 M642 M644 M621 M512 M524 M492 M552 M553 M
Issuance of capital stock127 M131 M167 M151 M115 M204 M145 M300 M264 M212 M
Issuance of debt1000000.02 M-1000000.05 M10 M2 M256 M
IssuanceOfCapitalStock127 M131 M167 M151 M115 M204 M145 M300 M264 M212 M
IssuanceOfDebt199 M4,942 M-1000000.0-496 M180 M2,318 M-313 M1,576 M-998 M-219 M
Net cash from financing activities-1,777 M3,695 M-742 M-2,319 M-1,991 M-151 M-2,082 M-4,409 M-5,142 M-4,489 M
Net cash from investing activities-2,504 M-6,294 M-5,315 M-2,506 M-5,870 M-12,390 M-7,521 M-6,659 M-5,654 M-7,648 M
Net cash from operating activities4,496 M3,864 M5,292 M4,587 M10,960 M12,684 M9,785 M11,149 M11,258 M12,632 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents76 M1,120 M-790 M-237 M3,034 M143 M182 M81 M462 M495 M
Net income from continuing operations3,483 M2,834 M4,135 M3,861 M3,449 M5,292 M3,197 M8,539 M5,313 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-766 M233 M-14,304 M-675 M-1,337 M-1,344 M-1,924 M-2,471 M-7,815 M-2,058 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-1,302 M-627 M167 M-650 M-929 M-1,326 M-378 M-4,561 M-2,630 M-2,199 M
NetIntangiblesPurchaseAndSale315 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale-1,738 M-6,558 M8,933 M-1,858 M-1,592 M-3,987 M-3,974 M-4,188 M2,161 M-5,590 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale-1,738 M-6,558 M8,933 M-1,858 M-1,592 M-3,987 M-3,974 M-4,188 M2,161 M-5,590 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt199 M4,942 M-1000000.0-496 M180 M2,318 M-313 M1,576 M-998 M-219 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance198 M4,940 M-501 M170 M2,318 M-313 M1,576 M-1,000 M-475 M
NetProceedsPaymentForLoan31 M56 M27 M-207 M
Operating (gains) losses420 M145 M-84 M652 M530 M-521 M-3,585 M1,084 M-260 M
Other financing charges net188 M242 M265 M135 M95 M211 M-3 M-23 M-139 M-677 M
Other investing changes net-504 M-284 M-158 M-795 M-517 M-1,360 M-583 M-1,740 M-644 M-1,059 M
Other non-cash items251 M-358 M-1,248 M-1,165 M332 M189 M302 M
Payment of cash dividends862 M862 M1,173 M1,308 M1,337 M1,354 M1,388 M1,401 M1,375 M1,394 M
ProceedsFromLoans31 M56 M27 M-207 M
Purchase of short term investments699 M6,090 M2,171 M2,828 M988 M1,576 M
PurchaseOfEquitySecurities-251 M-158 M-146 M-173 M-207 M-531 M-6,419 M-1,167 M-895 M-1,395 M
PurchaseOfFixedMaturitySecurities-15,820 M-16,102 M-31,041 M-26,072 M-25,156 M-26,075 M-26,500 M-30,816 M-28,462 M-28,880 M
PurchaseOfIntangibles315 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-16,674 M-24,476 M-18,837 M-26,782 M-24,847 M-27,723 M-33,000 M-30,808 M-30,809 M-29,106 M
PurchaseOfPPE-6 M-1,154 M-1,623 M
Repayment of debt-501 M-1,150 M-501 M-2,001 M-510 M-1,301 M-1,000 M-475 M
RepaymentOfDebt-2,478 M-3,177 M-2,311 M-2,849 M-4,020 M-3,327 M-3,655 M-1,858 M-5,508 M-5,203 M
Repurchase of capital stock-1,429 M-758 M-801 M-1,044 M-1,530 M-523 M-4,861 M-2,894 M-2,411 M
Revenue per share188 M158 M2,315 M954 M931 M700 M657 M287 M285 M310 M
SaleOfInvestment15,440 M18,202 M27,928 M25,719 M23,772 M25,096 M29,609 M28,360 M33,614 M24,575 M
SalesOfEquitySecurities670 M183 M1,000 M187 M315 M611 M3,880 M1,018 M4,615 M1,084 M
SalesOfFixedMaturitySecurities875 M669 M958 M795 M1,124 M946 M995 M1,964 M1,712 M708 M
ShortTermDebtIssuance1,978 M2,029 M2,310 M2,353 M2,029 M2,817 M2,354 M1,858 M4,510 M4,984 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-1,977 M-2,027 M-2,311 M-2,348 M-2,019 M-2,817 M-2,354 M-1,858 M-4,508 M-4,728 M
Call: 1-877-778-8358
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