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CG Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

Carlyle Group Inc (The) - Ordinary Shares logo

Carlyle Group Inc (The) - Ordinary Shares

Sector: Financial Services   

Industry: Asset Management

Previous close: 51.77  Open: 52.1  Bid: 52.45  Ask: 53.85
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 17,734 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 2,308,028
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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CG Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in other current assets-11 M-11 M5 M-4 M-6 M
(Increase) Decrease in other current liabilities37 M-50 M19 M24 M21 M-38 M16 M70 M14 M31 M
(Increase) Decrease in other working capital-82 M21 M-19 M36 M-36 M25 M-29 M400000.05 M-29 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables-23 M63 M67 M51 M78 M-44 M-4 M211 M-43 M-66 M
(Increase) Decrease in receivables-4 M-1 M-11 M300000.0-74 M49 M2 M-51 M-247 M-67 M
Acquisitions-3 M-68 M-451 M
Cash at beginning of period967 M1,242 M992 M762 M1,029 M638 M828 M990 M2,475 M1,362 M
Cash at end of period1,242 M992 M671 M1,135 M293 M407 M990 M2,475 M1,362 M1,442 M
Cash flow2,383 M3,700 M-149 M437 M-1,199 M-31 M-477 M3,086 M1,203 M205 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities360 M200 M-89 M-455 M794 M361 M246 M1,312 M-1,015 M-44 M
ChangeInAccountPayable-23 M63 M67 M51 M78 M-44 M-4 M211 M-43 M-66 M
ChangeInAccruedExpense155 M-35 M7 M-14 M61 M52 M210 M478 M-406 M21 M
ChangeInFederalFundsAndSecuritiesSoldForRepurchase-4,543 M-6,141 M91 M-190 M432 M41 M635 M-92 M-576 M
ChangeInInterestPayable155 M-35 M7 M-14 M61 M52 M210 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense132 M27 M73 M37 M139 M8 M206 M689 M-449 M-45 M
ChangeInPrepaidAssets-11 M-11 M5 M-2 M-4 M-6 M-2 M-25 M-35 M13 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital72 M-14 M67 M95 M47 M38 M193 M684 M-713 M-98 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-103 M-251 M-141 M-118 M-130 M-155 M-351 M-712 M-1,331 M-995 M
CommonStockPayments-59 M-200000.0-107 M-34 M-26 M-324 M-557 M-407 M
Current deferred income taxes11 M-31 M-4 M93 M-20 M14 M135 M1,017 M-220 M-737 M
Deferred income taxes11 M-31 M-4 M93 M-20 M14 M135 M1,017 M-220 M-737 M
Depreciation192 M47 M66 M52 M104 M442 M361 M
Depreciation unreconciled192 M47 M66 M52 M104 M442 M361 M
DepreciationAndAmortization192 M47 M66 M52 M104 M147 M361 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-114 M-121 M-15 M96 M-20 M8 M22 M-18 M-20 M19 M
ExcessTaxBenefitFromStockBasedCompensation-3 M-4 M
FinancingCashFlow-2,353 M-4,029 M-67 M296 M-311 M-570 M370 M-602 M115 M-100 M
Free cash flow2,353 M3,637 M-175 M403 M-1,231 M-58 M-538 M2,060 M-1,116 M72 M
IncomeTaxPaidSupplementalData59 M42 M35 M25 M47 M31 M35 M403 M402 M250 M
InterestPaidSupplementalData52 M56 M59 M60 M61 M63 M80 M93 M92 M92 M
Issuance of capital stock450 M210 M10 M117 M
Issuance of debt-25 M
IssuanceOfCapitalStock450 M210 M10 M117 M
IssuanceOfDebt12 M244 M-371 M7 M-19 M207 M170 M-10 M
Net cash from financing activities-2,353 M-4,029 M-67 M296 M-311 M-570 M370 M-941 M-2,159 M-1,080 M
Net cash from investing activities360 M200 M-89 M-455 M794 M361 M246 M-32 M-829 M-44 M
Net cash from operating activities2,383 M3,700 M-149 M437 M-1,199 M-31 M-477 M2,143 M-379 M205 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents389 M-130 M-305 M278 M-716 M-239 M140 M1,503 M-1,093 M62 M
Net income from continuing operations1,945 M3,358 M-470 M2 M-1,043 M-400000.0-687 M1,558 M3,368 M-1,076 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-3 M-68 M18 M-451 M
NetCommonStockIssuance450 M210 M-59 M-200000.0-107 M-34 M-26 M-314 M-440 M-407 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale392 M262 M-63 M-421 M893 M389 M308 M1,377 M1,471 M1,004 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale392 M262 M-63 M-421 M893 M389 M308 M1,377 M1,471 M1,004 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt12 M244 M-371 M7 M-19 M207 M170 M-10 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance12 M244 M-371 M32 M-19 M207 M170 M-10 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-30 M-62 M-25 M-34 M-31 M-28 M-61 M-83 M-1,977 M-133 M
NetPreferredStockIssuance388 M-405 M
Operating (gains) losses-474 M-312 M-271 M-661 M-2,105 M-647 M
Other financing charges net1,843 M2,153 M30 M-21 M-111 M-5 M132 M-29 M18 M332 M
Other investing changes net70 M41 M5 M-15 M46 M
Other non-cash items355 M387 M258 M246 M243 M165 M102 M384 M431 M2,537 M
Payment of cash dividends103 M251 M141 M124 M153 M173 M351 M712 M1,331 M995 M
PreferredStockDividendPaid-6 M-24 M-18 M
PreferredStockIssuance388 M
PreferredStockPayments-405 M
Purchase of property plant & equipment-30 M-62 M-25 M-34 M-31 M-28 M-61 M-83 M-1,977 M-133 M
Purchase of short term investments21 M516 M41 M134 M315 M1,332 M220 M24 M
PurchaseOfEquitySecurities-394 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-222 M-92 M-368 M-888 M-867 M
PurchaseOfPPE-30 M-62 M-25 M-34 M-31 M-28 M-61 M-83 M-1,977 M-133 M
Repayment of debt-9 M-272 M-412 M-102 M-334 M-1,125 M-50 M-34 M
RepaymentOfDebt-9 M-272 M-412 M-127 M-334 M-1,125 M-50 M-34 M
Repurchase of capital stock-59 M-200000.0-107 M-34 M-26 M-324 M-557 M-407 M
SaleOfBusiness18 M
SaleOfInvestment544 M313 M300 M468 M893 M389 M308 M1,377 M1,471 M958 M
ShortTermDebtPayments-25 M
StockBasedCompensation344 M378 M335 M320 M240 M140 M105 M326 M462 M498 M
UnrealizedGainLossOnInvestmentSecurities-247 M
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