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CODX Stock Annual Balance Sheet. Download in Excel

Co-Diagnostics Inc. logo

Co-Diagnostics Inc.

Sector: Healthcare   

Industry: Diagnostics & Research

Previous close: 0.6897  Open: 0.693  Bid: 0.6904  Ask: 0.7298
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 22 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 176,329
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025
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CODX Balance Sheet

Invalid dateDec-17Dec-18Dec-19Dec-20Dec-21Dec-22Dec-23
Accounts payable40819.0148967.05959.0598318.0607506.0952297.01 M
Accounts receivable13420.0131382.012 M21 M3 M303926.0
Accrued expenses137464.0323411.0206747.04 M7 M2 M4 M
Accumulated depreciation & depletion-4900.0-197103.0-304423.0-622155.0-1 M-2 M
Additional paid in capital16 M18 M27 M49 M80 M88 M97 M
Building & improvements345121.0434240.02 M1 M672679.0773382.0
Cash and equivalents4 M950237.0893138.043 M89 M23 M15 M
CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments4 M950237.0893138.047 M90 M81 M59 M
Common par12317.012923.017369.028558.033820.034754.036108.0
Common stock equity4 M-1 M2 M67 M134 M115 M86 M
Cost in excess15 M
CurrentAccruedExpenses96645.0174444.0200788.03 M4 M934447.02 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesAssets5 M-547224.0-7 M8 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesLiabilities-355376.0-8 M-8 M-8 M
Deferred revenues10792.01323.0305307.0150000.0362449.0
Deposits2 M253991.0
Finished goods197168.0598881.0983088.01 M700467.0
Float term debt277725.02 M50708.02 M
GoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets42 M27 M26 M
Gross fixed assets (Plant Property & Equipment)49785.0345121.0631343.03 M4 M4 M9 M
IncomeTaxPayable189729.02 M
Intangibles27 M27 M26 M
Inventories9068.018153.0197168.08 M2 M5 M2 M
InventoriesAdjustmentsAllowances-3 M
Invested capital4 M849761.02 M67 M134 M115 M88 M
LongTermCapitalLeaseObligation133308.0931834.050708.02 M
LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligation50708.02 M
Net fixed assets (net PP&E)44885.0345121.0434240.03 M3 M3 M7 M
Non-current deferred income taxes-233951.07 M2 M-672416.0
NonCurrentDeferredLiabilities183546.07 M2 M
NonCurrentDeferredTaxesAssets3 M4 M5 M547224.0559921.05 M15 M
Notes payable2 M
Other current assets1 M61100.0447831.01 M761186.01 M
Other fixed assets949639.02 M4 M6 M
Other non-current assets21 M
Other non-current liabilities260000.0150000.030000.012 M1 M748109.0
Other receivable214974.075 M98 M34 M7 M
OtherCurrentLiabilities480000.0120000.0120000.0447831.07 M2 M
OtherEquityAdjustments2 M
OtherInventories8 M2 M5 M2 M
Payables40819.0148967.05959.0908047.03 M952297.01 M
Preferred securities of subsidiary trust5 M5 M26.0
PreferredStock5 M5 M26.0
Prepaid expenses908352.070103.0362566.0369028.02 M761186.02 M
Raw materials7 M1 M4 M964258.0
RecievablesAdjustmentsAllowances-11000.0-791800.0-669597.0-3 M-200338.0
Retained earnings-12 M-19 M-25 M18 M54 M40 M5 M
Short term debt2 M
TaxesReceivable2 M26955.0
Total assets5 M2 M2 M71 M160 M123 M95 M
Total current assets4 M1 M2 M68 M115 M93 M62 M
Total current liabilities268256.02 M328070.04 M13 M4 M6 M
Total equity4 M-1 M2 M67 M134 M115 M86 M
Total liabilities811802.03 M478070.05 M26 M9 M9 M
Total non-current assets210452.0501259.0631072.03 M45 M30 M33 M
Total non-current liabilities543546.0260000.0150000.0477831.013 M5 M4 M
TotalEquityGrossMinority4 M-1 M2 M67 M134 M115 M86 M
TotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest4 M-1 M2 M67 M134 M115 M86 M
TotalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest5 M2 M2 M71 M160 M123 M95 M
TotalNonCurrentLiabilitiesNetMinorityInteres543546.0260000.0150000.0477831.013 M5 M4 M
TotalTaxPayable189729.02 M
Treasury stock-14 M-16 M
Working capital4 M-1 M1 M64 M103 M89 M56 M
debtc2 M297209.0838387.0
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