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BTU Stock Annual Balance Sheet. Download in Excel



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BTU Balance Sheet

Accounts payable1,809 M1,446 M289 M282 M957 M746 M872 M906 M966 M
Accounts receivable563 M229 M473 M552 M450 M330 M245 M351 M466 M390 M
Accrued expenses1,809 M1,446 M990 M1,203 M1,022 M957 M746 M872 M906 M966 M
Accumulated depreciation & depletion-4,699 M-5,032 M-5,192 M-957 M-601 M-1,487 M-1,480 M-1,787 M-2,066 M
Additional paid in capital2,386 M2,411 M2,422 M2,590 M3,305 M3,351 M3,365 M3,746 M3,976 M3,983 M
Building & improvements1,569 M1,506 M1,508 M
Cash and equivalents298 M261 M927 M-972 M982 M732 M709 M954 M1,307 M969 M
CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments298 M261 M927 M-972 M982 M732 M709 M954 M1,307 M969 M
CashEquivalents927 M-972 M982 M
Common par2,725 M917 M41 M720 M144 M2,614 M2 M2 M2 M
Common stock equity5,449 M1,834 M330 M3,606 M3,396 M2,614 M930 M1,762 M3,231 M3,547 M
CommonStock2,725 M917 M40 M50 M50 M2,614 M2 M2 M2 M
CurrentCapitalLeaseObligation22 M30 M149 M48 M30 M27 M29 M24 M25 M
CurrentDeferredAssets80 M54 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesAssets80 M54 M295 M140 M24 M56 M136 M83 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesLiabilities1,429 M1,167 M1,114 M39 M140 M54 M83 M82 M111 M
CurrentProvisions19 M24 M
DeferredFinancingCosts65 M74 M-55 M-43 M-35 M-10 M-8 M
DefinedPensionBenefit13 M40 M29 M10 M
DividendsPayable-258 M31 M
EmployeeBenefits782 M723 M756 M730 M548 M593 M413 M212 M157 M148 M
Float term debt733 M733 M733 M1,419 M1,331 M1,345 M1,545 M1,105 M332 M368 M
Gross fixed assets (Plant Property & Equipment)15,276 M14,290 M13,969 M5,112 M6,164 M683 M4,588 M4,467 M4,679 M4,972 M
IncomeTaxPayable3 M7 M6 M10 M3 M2 M20 M26 M121 M
InterestPayable428 M465 M299 M149 M144 M140 M183 M140 M60 M
Inventories407 M308 M204 M291 M280 M332 M262 M227 M296 M352 M
Invested capital9,423 M2,035 M1,063 M5,025 M4,726 M5,252 M3,978 M3,945 M3,884 M4,236 M
Leases175 M78 M78 M44 M18 M25 M24 M19 M
LineOfCredit1,200 M201 M438 M453 M570 M
LongTermCapitalLeaseObligation5,987 M37 M53 M42 M27 M11 M48 M
LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligation5,966 M366 M1,419 M1,331 M1,345 M1,545 M1,105 M332 M368 M
LongTermProvisions654 M651 M655 M666 M649 M
Machinery furniture & equipment2,686 M2,280 M2,130 M
Minority interest2 M2 M8 M49 M56 M59 M52 M59 M64 M61 M
Net fixed assets (net PP&E)10,577 M9,259 M8,777 M5,112 M5,207 M82 M3,101 M2,986 M2,892 M2,906 M
NetOtherUnrealizedGainLoss41 M45 M23 M48 M2 M15 M32 M
Non-current deferred income taxes89 M69 M174 M5 M10 M29 M35 M27 M20 M29 M
NonCurrentDeferredAssets700000.02 M86 M49 M28 M5 M75 M
NonCurrentDeferredLiabilities89 M69 M174 M5 M10 M29 M35 M27 M20 M29 M
NonCurrentDeferredTaxesAssets700000.02 M4,978 M86 M49 M28 M5 M2,177 M75 M1,556 M
NonCurrentPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlans782 M723 M756 M730 M548 M593 M413 M212 M157 M148 M
Other current assets306 M471 M487 M294 M243 M221 M205 M270 M304 M309 M
Other equity adjustments-477 M1 M40 M
Other fixed assets10,577 M9,259 M82 M3,101 M2,986 M2,892 M2,906 M
Other non-current assets960 M364 M381 M471 M213 M139 M141 M138 M84 M79 M
Other non-current liabilities1,798 M1,533 M12,811 M1,126 M1,026 M273 M252 M198 M223 M182 M
Other receivable346 M283 M181 M307 M416 M322 M
OtherCurrentLiabilities753 M10,044 M3,001 M750 M186 M164 M171 M199 M174 M
OtherInventories407 M308 M332 M262 M227 M296 M352 M
OtherPayable194 M127 M990 M1,203 M1,022 M285 M191 M183 M9 M9 M
Payables1,809 M1,446 M990 M1,203 M1,022 M957 M746 M872 M906 M966 M
Preferred securities of subsidiary trust800000.0670 M94 M
PreferredStock800000.0670 M94 M
Prepaid expenses77 M277 M
Properties5,000 M
Raw materials144 M116 M105 M118 M116 M103 M102 M131 M153 M
RecievablesAdjustmentsAllowances-6 M-7 M-13 M-5 M-4 M
Restricted cash110 M681 M
Retained earnings806 M-1,122 M-1,399 M-614 M1,075 M629 M-1,067 M-615 M626 M1,302 M
SecuritySoldNotYetRepurchased835 M330 M1,340 M348 M
Short term debt21 M5,875 M20 M42 M37 M18 M45 M60 M13 M14 M
Total assets13,185 M10,940 M11,778 M8,181 M7,424 M6,543 M4,667 M4,950 M5,611 M5,962 M
Total current assets1,648 M1,316 M2,091 M2,190 M1,956 M1,614 M1,420 M1,802 M2,373 M2,020 M
Total current liabilities1,830 M17,365 M1,012 M1,245 M1,059 M975 M791 M932 M919 M979 M
Total equity5,449 M1,834 M330 M3,606 M3,396 M2,614 M930 M1,762 M3,231 M3,547 M
Total liabilities10,465 M20,057 M11,440 M4,525 M3,972 M3,870 M3,686 M3,129 M2,316 M2,355 M
Total non-current assets11,538 M9,624 M9,687 M5,991 M5,468 M4,929 M3,247 M3,148 M3,238 M3,942 M
Total non-current liabilities8,634 M2,692 M13,742 M3,281 M2,914 M2,895 M2,895 M2,197 M1,397 M1,376 M
TotalEquityGrossMinority5,451 M1,835 M338 M3,656 M3,452 M2,673 M981 M1,821 M3,295 M3,608 M
TotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest5,451 M1,835 M338 M3,656 M3,452 M2,673 M981 M1,821 M3,295 M3,608 M
TotalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest15,916 M10,940 M11,778 M8,181 M7,424 M6,543 M4,667 M4,950 M5,611 M5,962 M
TotalNonCurrentLiabilitiesNetMinorityInteres8,634 M2,692 M13,742 M3,281 M2,914 M2,895 M2,895 M2,197 M1,397 M1,376 M
Treasury stock-467 M-372 M-372 M-176 M-1,025 M-1,367 M-1,369 M-1,370 M-1,373 M-1,740 M
UnearnedIncome529 M323 M4,679 M3,051 M24 M187 M958 M
UnearnedPremiums89 M95 M89 M
Working capital-183 M-16,049 M1,079 M945 M897 M639 M630 M870 M1,454 M1,041 M
debtc21 M5,875 M20 M42 M37 M18 M45 M60 M13 M14 M
ltinv65 M2 M500000.046 M57 M25 M62 M34 M50 M
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