Function: QM_List()
=QM_List("What data set you need - the name of the method", "Parameter1", "Parameter Value 1", "Parameter2", "Parameter Value 2",......,"Parameter N", "Parameter Value N")
The QM_List functions allow you to get the data from Quotemedia’s API for any of these methods. The functions generally return the data in a tabular (list-like) form. For example
For example, to get intraday history for a stock symbol, use the function as shown below:
=QM_List("getIntervals", "symbol","MSFT", "interval","5")
This will get all 5-minute intervals from March 18th, 2020
=QM_List("getIntervals", "symbol","MSFT", "interval","5","start","2020-03-18")
This will get all 5-min intervals from March 18th, 2020 to April 15th, 2020
=QM_List("getIntervals", "symbol","MSFT", "interval","5","start","2020-03-18","end","2020-04-15")
The date format always need to be “YYYY-MM-DD”
The symbol can be an option symbol as well. The option symbol needs to be a “yet to expire” option.
Check out the following examples to get the EOD History.
To get history for a month use this function :
To quick get history from a specific start date use this function:
To quick get history from a specific start date to a specific end date use this function:
=QM_List("getHistory","symbol","AAL","start","2019-02-15", "end","2020-05-25")
NOTE: QM_List methods are available depending on the data package you have purchased from Quotemedia. For example, if you have purchased an Options data package from Quotemedia, you will be able to access options-related methods only.
QM_List function and qm_listDynamic function can also be used to filter out the right options contracts. Many a time the option of a stock will have thousands of contracts. Pulling all the option contracts is cumbersome. So, you can use the qm_list functions to filter out the options like shown below.
To get all options for AAL which are expiring between July 19th, 2020 and September 18th, 2020 use like below.
To get all options for AAL which are expiring between July 19th, 2020 and September 18th, 2020 use the function below where the minimum strike price is 12.
To get all options for AAL which are expiring between July 19th, 2020 and September 18th, 2020 use like below where the minimum strike price is 12 and the maximum is 14.
To get all options for AAL which are expiring between July 19th, 2020 and September 18th, 2020 use like below where the minimum strike price is 12 and the maximum is 14. And also there should be no zero volume contracts and only yet to expire options.
If you need only puts.
To get the full history of an options contract, try the function:
List of Methods
Below is a list of all the methods available. The links take you to the documentation of each function on Quotemedia’s support portal.
- getEnhancedQuotes
- getQuotesMini
- getChartData
- getIndicatorsBySymbol
- getHistory
- getFullHistory
- getExchangeHistory
- getHeadlines
- getHeadlinesticker
- getHeadlinesStory
- getInsiderSummaryBySymbol
- getEarningsEventsBySymbol
- getEarningsEstimates
- getEarningsEstimatesByCountry
- getEarningsEstimatesBySymbol
- getEarningsPreannouncementsByCountry
- getEarningsSurprisesByCountry
- getEarningsSurprisesBySymbol
- getMarketStats
- getIntervals
- getIntraday
- getIntradayHistory
- getRecentTradesBySymbol
- getHistoricTradesBySymbol
- getBasicFundData
- getOptions
- getOptionChain
- getOptionQuotes
- getOptionChainSymbols
- getRecentOptionStats
- getCompanybysymbol
- getCompanyLogos
- getProfiles
- getAnalyst
- getBrokerratingsByCountry
- getDividendsByExchange
- getDividendsByCountry
- getDividendsBySymbol
- getListingChangesByCountry
- getLookupSymbols
- getMarketActivityStats
- getMarketOpenStatus