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Historical stock data in Excel

You can get all the historical data you may need with MarketXLS functions, or in a few clicks. Update the Excel tables dynamically and save your time in formatting those tables.

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What live stock quotes brings to you
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Dates customized to your needs

Dates customized to your needs
Import Professional-grade Historical Stock Quotes in Excel. Get data for Stocks, ETFs, Forex, Mutual Funds*, Futures* & Indices*. Beautifully designed user interface to get data easily with a few clicks.

Historical prices at fingertips

Historical prices at fingertips
Download multiple symbols at one go.
One click data in Excel for specified days in history.
Date columns are optimized for Excel for quick charting.
Save Excel files with data as CSV to export to your trading platforms for backtesting.

Historical intra-day data going back a “year”

Historical intra-day data
Get Intra-day history going back one year.
Dynamically updating historical pricing tables.
Custom intervals.
Retrieved data gets formatted nicely in Excel.

Research historical dividend data

Historical dividend Data
Use excel formula to get historical price on specific days.
Use our servers to analyze historical pricing.
Get historical Volume Averages.
Data Includes dividends, splits, pricing, and adjustments.

Analyze data the right way

Analyze data the right way
Get Historical fundamentals of companies.
More than a 400 fundamental indicators (US & Canada, Germany and London Stocks).
See financial statements in Excel P&L, Balance Sheet and Cashflow with one click (Some limits apply).

Get historical data in three simple steps as shown below

Enter the TICKER you'd like data for.
Select the Custom Date option from the MarketXLS menu.
Choose the dates you want and click Get Data.

Frequently asked questions

Call: 1-877-778-8358
Ankur Mohan MarketXLS
Welcome! I'm Ankur, the founder and CEO of MarketXLS. With more than ten years of experience, I have assisted over 2,500 customers in developing personalized investment research strategies and monitoring systems using Excel.

I invite you to book a demo with me or my team to save time, enhance your investment research, and streamline your workflows.
Implement "your own" investment strategies in Excel with thousands of MarketXLS functions and templates.
MarketXLS provides all the tools I need for in-depth stock analysis. It's user-friendly and constantly improving. A must-have for serious investors.

John D.

Financial Analyst

I have been using MarketXLS for the last 6+ years and they really enhanced the product every year and now in the journey of bringing in AI...

Kirubakaran K.

Investment Professional

MarketXLS is a powerful tool for financial modeling. It integrates seamlessly with Excel and provides real-time data.

David L.

Financial Analyst

I have used lots of stock and option information services. This is the only one which gives me what I need inside Excel.

Lloyd L.

Professional Trader