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MarketXLS Screener Release

Written by  Shubham Shah on 
Tue May 31 2022
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MarketXLS Screener Release

Meet The Ultimate Excel Solution for Investors

  • Live Streaming Prices Prices in your Excel
  • All historical (intraday) data in your Excel
  • Real time option greeks and analytics in your Excel
  • Leading data in Excel service for Investment Managers, RIAs, Asset Managers, Financial Analysts, and Individual Investors.
  • Easy to use with formulas and pre-made sheets
MarketXLS Screener Release

We take pride in announcing that marketXLS isn’t limiting itself to just excel sheets. Our focus lies on providing the best value for your money and hence we are constantly innovating. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our stock screener on the website along with tonnes of other features.

Key Updates –

Get Started – 

  1. We will get into the features soon but before you start using all these features you need to create an account on the MarketXLS website.
  2. Just go to – https://marketxls.com/authorization/registration and enter your details associated with your marketXLS account including the license key that you use to access the MarketXLS excel add-in.
  3. Once done you can proceed to log in to the website and start using all our functionality.
  4. If you have any doubts or problems with registration please reach out to us at – support@marketxls.com or drop us a message on the chatbot on our website

1) MarketXLS Screener

Using the MarketXLS Screener you can find stocks based on hundreds of fundamental and technical indicators on our website itself.
All you need to do is go to https://marketxls.com/screener and add your desired rules to find the stocks as per your liking.

You can also find the screener under the features tab at the top of every page.

MarketXLS Screener Release

MarketXLS Screener Release

Also, you can access the screener directly from Excel by clicking on the screener’s tab on the top. You can add the rules by clicking on the add rule button under the Applied Filters tab.

  1. Here you can select a metric that you want to filter and then proceed to add the corresponding value that you want.
  2. We have categorized metrics under the relevant headings for the best experience.
    MarketXLS Screener Release
  3. Once that’s done you can decide on the comparison operator and proceed on to adding other rules similarly.
    MarketXLS Screener ReleaseMarketXLS Screener Release
  4. Once you are done adding all the rules you can simply click the save filters button and add a name and a description to the screen that you are creating.
  5. Here you can choose if you want the screen to be public, private, or shared within a team.
    MarketXLS Screener Release
  6. Finally, just click the go-to screen button and the website shall display a table of all the stocks that meet your defined criteria.
    MarketXLS Screener Release
  7. If you want these stocks in your excel sheet you can just click on the Save button in the right-hand corner of the screen.MarketXLS Screener Release
  8. Additionally, you can also see some of the screens that we have created in the left-hand corner.
  9. You can just select any one of those and click go to screen to see the filtered stock list.
  10. You can also share the link to your screen by clicking on the share button in the top right corner of your screen.

2)MarketXLS Watchlist

Additionally, you can also individually select the stocks you want from that list and create a custom watchlist which will be saved on the website and can be imported to excel as well using the save button on the right corner.
If you like a stock from the stock ranks page you can easily add it to your watchlist and export it to excel later.

MarketXLS Screener Release

MarketXLS Screener Release

3) Status Page

  1. We have also added a new status option on the website which indicates which functions are live and which are under maintenance.
  2. You can find it in the top right corner of every page.
  3. You can also access it straight from your excel sheet by going into the settings/help tab and clicking the system status button.
    MarketXLS Screener Release MarketXLS Screener Release

4) Stock Ranks Page

Introducing MarketXLS Stock Ranks which will help you improve your odds of stock picking by making all the fundamental and technical information about a stock easily accessible.We provide the information under the following subheads –

1. Overview –

MarketXLS Screener Release

2. Financials –

MarketXLS Screener Release

3. Value –

MarketXLS Screener Release

4. Quality –

MarketXLS Screener Release

5. Technical –

MarketXLS Screener Release

6. Estimates –

MarketXLS Screener Release

7. Peers –

MarketXLS Screener Release

8. Charts –

MarketXLS Screener Release

9. News –

MarketXLS Screener Release

10. Trend Analysis & Forecast

MarketXLS Screener Release

To further simplify it we also provide a MarketXLS score after considering the technical and fundamental aspects of the underlying stock.

MarketXLS Screener Release

To learn more about how we calculate the ranks you can check out our whitepaper – https://marketxls-downloads.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/StockRanking_Algorithm_Decoded.pdf

If you like a stock you can easily add it to your watchlist and export it to excel later.
This information is also available to non-users, so you can send it to your network as well !


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MarketXLS provides all the tools I need for in-depth stock analysis. It's user-friendly and constantly improving. A must-have for serious investors.

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I have been using MarketXLS for the last 6+ years and they really enhanced the product every year and now in the journey of bringing in AI...

Kirubakaran K.

Investment Professional

MarketXLS is a powerful tool for financial modeling. It integrates seamlessly with Excel and provides real-time data.

David L.

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I have used lots of stock and option information services. This is the only one which gives me what I need inside Excel.

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