Return On Average Equity (ROE - Historical)
LiveReturn on average equity (ROAE) is a financial ratio that measures the performance of a company based on its average shareholders' equity outstanding.
How calculated | Return on Average Equity is calculated as Net earnings divided by Average total equity. |
Example usage | =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT",2022)- Returns the value of for the year 2022. =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT",2022,2)- Returns the value for the year 2022 and the calendar quarter 2 =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT",2022,3,"TTM")- Returns the value for the year 2022 and trailing twelve months from the calendar quarter =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","lq") - Returns the value for the last quarter =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","lq-1")-Returns the value for the last quarter-1 =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","ly") - Returns the value for the last year =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","ly-1") - Returns the value for the last year - 1 =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","lt") - Returns the value for the last 12 months. =hf_Return_on_Average_Equity("MSFT","lt-1") - Returns the value for the previous last 12 months. |
Assets | Stocks |