Total Assets (Historical)
LiveTotal assets refers to the sum of the book values of all assets owned by an individual, company, or organization. The value of a company’s total assets is obtained after accounting for depreciation associated with the assets.
How calculated | Total Assets = Non Current Assets + Current Assets |
Example usage | =hf_Total_Assets("MSFT",2022) - Returns the value for the year 2022.
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT",2022,2) - Returns the value for the year 2022 and the calendar quarter 2
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT",2022,3,"TTM") - Returns the value for the year 2022 and trailing twelve months from the calendar quarter
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","lq") - Returns the value for the last quarter
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","lq-1") - Returns the value for the last quarter-1
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","ly") - Returns the value for the last year
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","ly-1") - Returns the value for the last year - 1
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","lt") - Returns the value for the last 12 months.
=hf_Total_Assets("MSFT","lt-1") - Returns the value for the previous last 12 months. |
Assets | Stocks |