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Real Time Stock Quotes In Excel

MarketXLS is the best way to stream reliable real-time stock quotes in excel. In this article, I will show you how you can use hundreds of MarketXLS formulas and custom functions to stream real-time live prices of stocks in your Excel sheets.

  • Get Market data in Excel with easy-to-use formulas
  • Live Streaming Prices from brokers in your Excel
  • All historical (intraday) data in your Excel
  • Real-time option Greeks in your Excel
  • Premium, high-quality fundamental data in your Excel
  • Easy to use with formulas and pre-made templates
real-time stock quotes in excel
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Real-time stock quotes in excel
Click image to enlarge

How does it work?

Once you install MarketXLS, a new menu will show up in Your Excel with many new functions that are added to Excel. You can use the function like =qm_stream_last (“MSFT“) or =qm-stream_last(B2) where cell B2 is the one that contains the stock symbol. As soon as you do that, the stock prices will start showing in your Excel cell. Not only the last price, but you can also get the full quote of the stock using the functions like =qm_stream_ask, =qm_stream_bid, and so on.

These functions not only work with stocks but also can work with stock options, currencies, and any other ticker symbol you have access to.

real-time stock quotes in excel
Click image to enlarge

How many ticker symbols can you stream in real-time?

The streaming data support up to 300 ticker symbols for simultaneous streaming. MarketXLS has other functions, which are the “refresh on-demand” functions. Refresh on-demand functions call the real-time stock prices in your Excel and require a click on the refresh button on the MarketXLS menu.

Unlike the streaming function, you can refresh more than 300 stocks or options at one time. If, for some reason, you would like to stop streaming and see a snapshot of quotes at a point in time, simply uncheck the streaming checkbox, as shown below.

live stock prices in excel
Click image to enlarge

The data will still be a live snapshot of the prices from the market. If you are looking for a way to quickly get the live stock quotes in Excel with a very reliable source, then look no further.

We have performed many optimizations to make sure that the flow of the stock quotes is seamless. And also that the plugin does not hinder your ability to perform other tasks Excel.

Check out MarketXLS today The #1 Excel-based Investment Research Solution for Serious Investors

MarketXLS works with any version of Excel like Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Office 365. MarketXLS, at this time, only works with Windows-based machines.

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Ankur Mohan MarketXLS
Welcome! I'm Ankur, the founder and CEO of MarketXLS. With more than ten years of experience, I have assisted over 2,500 customers in developing personalized investment research strategies and monitoring systems using Excel.

I invite you to book a demo with me or my team to save time, enhance your investment research, and streamline your workflows.
Implement "your own" investment strategies in Excel with thousands of MarketXLS functions and templates.
MarketXLS provides all the tools I need for in-depth stock analysis. It's user-friendly and constantly improving. A must-have for serious investors.

John D.

Financial Analyst

I have been using MarketXLS for the last 6+ years and they really enhanced the product every year and now in the journey of bringing in AI...

Kirubakaran K.

Investment Professional

MarketXLS is a powerful tool for financial modeling. It integrates seamlessly with Excel and provides real-time data.

David L.

Financial Analyst

I have used lots of stock and option information services. This is the only one which gives me what I need inside Excel.

Lloyd L.

Professional Trader