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Get Ex-Dividend Dates for Multiple Stocks in Your Excel Spreadsheet

Written by  MarketXLS Team on 
Mon Mar 13 2023
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Get Ex-Dividend Dates for Multiple Stocks in Your Excel Spreadsheet - MarketXLS

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Get Ex-Dividend Dates for Multiple Stocks in Your Excel Spreadsheet - MarketXLS

Understanding Ex-Dividend Date

If you are an investor in the stock market, you might have come across the term “ex-dividend date.” In simple terms, it is the date when a company’s stock stops trading with its dividend. This means that if you buy a stock on or after the ex-dividend date, you will not receive the upcoming dividend payment.

Why is Ex-Dividend Date Important for Investors?

Investors often use ex-dividend date to track their ownership of stocks and to understand and capitalize on dividend payments. The ex-dividend date is an important date because it is the day when stocks begin trading without any dividend payments attached. It is also the date by which buyers must own a security to be entitled to receive a dividend.

How to Get Ex-Dividend Date in Excel with MarketXLS?

To find the ex-dividend date for any equity or ETF in Excel, MarketXLS provides a built-in function that allows you to quickly look it up with a simple formula. Just type “=Ex_DividendDate(“Ticker symbol”)” into a cell, replacing ‘Ticker symbol’ with the ticker of the security of interest. The formula will return the next ex-dividend date as a serial number of the Microsoft Excel date system.

MarketXLS also offers other useful functions for dividend-related data. They are given below:

Function Title Function Example Function Result
Dividend Frequency =DividendFrequency(“MSFT”) How many times each year the company typically pays a regular dividend.
Dividend Pay Date (MM/DD/YYYY) =DividendPayDate(“MSFT”) – Returns the most recent dividend pay date for MSFT. Not considering the future expected dividend.
Ex Dividend Date (MM/DD/YYYY) =Ex_DividendDate(“MSFT”) – Returns the ex-dividend date for MSFT. On this date, the stock has to be in your demat account for you to receive the dividend.

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Relevant blogs that you can read to learn more about the topic

Dividend Growth (Gordon Growth Model)

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