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MarketXLS New Release Version 9.3.2

Written by  MarketXLS Team on 
Mon Aug 30 2021
 about MarketXLS
MarketXLS New Release Version 9.3.2

Meet The Ultimate Excel Solution for Investors

  • Live Streaming Prices Prices in your Excel
  • All historical (intraday) data in your Excel
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  • Leading data in Excel service for Investment Managers, RIAs, Asset Managers, Financial Analysts, and Individual Investors.
  • Easy to use with formulas and pre-made sheets
MarketXLS New Release Version 9.3.2

1. New Mutual Fund Data

We have acquired new mutual fund data which means that all functions that rely on historical pricing and calculations like close historicals, “x_day high”, stock return, YTD return, moving averages, etc. will immediately start working for mutual funds.

The portfolio analytics and management module have immediately started supporting mutual funds in your portfolio.

Mutual Fund Data will be updated every morning at 1 am EST.


2) Updates to the Credentials Saving Mechanism

We have made some updates to the MarketXLS credentials settings. Our engineers have worked on it so it saves your credentials and you won’t have to input them repeatedly. If you had any problem with losing the settings form, they should all be fixed. Thank you for your continuous support and patience.


3) Cash Component in Portfolio Analysis Module

We have updated our portfolio analysis module so that cash can be one of the components of your portfolio. All analytics around the portfolio management module can now accommodate any liquid cash component.

Please use the keyword “LiquidCash” as one of the components while creating the portfolio. Refer to the image below.

Portfolio Analysis


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Welcome! I'm Ankur, the founder and CEO of MarketXLS. With more than ten years of experience, I have assisted over 2,500 customers in developing personalized investment research strategies and monitoring systems using Excel.

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I have used lots of stock and option information services. This is the only one which gives me what I need inside Excel

Lloyd Lenase

Option Day Trader

MarketXLS is a data junkie’s dream. It gives me the flexibility to mine for hidden treasures.


Swing trader since 2011

I like to access historical closing prices on a particular date. That makes tracking performance easy.

Patrick Cusatis, Ph.D., CFA

Associate Professor of Finance - Penn State University

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