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Advance Auto Parts Inc. - Ex Dividend Date - MarketXLS


Ex Dividend Date

Returns the date when the stock began trading without the right to its latest dividend.

How calculated

No Calculations

Example usage

=Ex_DividendDate("MSFT") - Returns the ex-dividend date for MSFT.


On this date, the stock has to be in your demat account for you to receive the dividend.


Stocks, ETFs
Advance Auto Parts Inc. logo

Advance Auto Parts Inc.

Sector: Consumer Cyclical   

Industry: Specialty Retail

Previous close: 48.74  Open: 49.24  Bid: 49.15  Ask: 49.8
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 2,913 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 2,203,195
Last updated: Friday 31st January 2025

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