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NWS Stock Annual Cash Flow. Download in Excel

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News Corporation

Sector: Consumer Cyclical   

Industry: Broadcasting - TV

Previous close: 34.86  Open: 34.98  Bid: 33.67  Ask: 36.2
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 19,388 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 794,548
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2025

NWS Cash Flow

(Increase) Decrease in inventories18 M35 M15 M-14 M-58 M9 M6 M-87 M-2 M54 M
(Increase) Decrease in payables34 M316 M-121 M54 M-147 M1,298 M363 M45 M66 M-121 M
(Increase) Decrease in receivables29 M22 M-58 M-128 M134 M-1,470 M-166 M-51 M-146 M-120 M
Acquisitions-1,190 M-520 M-347 M-77 M-192 M-40 M-912 M-1,572 M-141 M-134 M
AssetImpairmentCharge371 M785 M280 M96 M1,690 M15 M25 M44 M
CapitalExpenditureReported308 M256 M256 M364 M572 M438 M390 M499 M499 M496 M
Cash at beginning of period3,145 M1,951 M1,832 M2,016 M2,034 M1,643 M1,517 M2,236 M1,822 M1,833 M
Cash at end of period1,749 M2,133 M1,361 M610 M1,675 M1,524 M2,161 M1,822 M1,833 M1,960 M
Cash flow910 M1,202 M-144 M-687 M928 M780 M1,237 M1,354 M1,092 M1,098 M
Cash from disc. investing activities13 M
CashFlowFromContinuingInvestingActivities-1,671 M-1,124 M-105 M-321 M-677 M-427 M-1,292 M-2,076 M-574 M-524 M
CashFromDiscontinuedOperatingActivities-445 M-59 M-5 M
ChangeInAccountPayable34 M316 M-121 M54 M-147 M1,298 M363 M45 M66 M-121 M
ChangeInPayablesAndAccruedExpense34 M316 M-121 M54 M-147 M1,298 M363 M45 M66 M-121 M
ChangeInWorkingCapital81 M373 M-164 M-88 M-71 M-163 M203 M-93 M-82 M-187 M
ChangesInAccountReceivables29 M22 M-58 M-128 M134 M-1,470 M-166 M-51 M-146 M-120 M
CommonStockDividendPaid-30 M-147 M-152 M-158 M-161 M-158 M-163 M-175 M-174 M-172 M
CommonStockPayments-30 M-41 M-179 M-243 M-117 M
Depreciation498 M505 M449 M472 M659 M644 M680 M688 M714 M734 M
Depreciation unreconciled498 M505 M449 M472 M659 M644 M680 M688 M714 M734 M
DepreciationAndAmortization498 M505 M449 M472 M659 M644 M680 M688 M714 M734 M
EarningsLossesFromEquityInvestments80 M4 M299 M1,011 M49 M54 M80 M36 M127 M6 M
Effect of exchange rate changes-96 M-6 M
FinancingCashFlow-190 M150 M-217 M-398 M-610 M-472 M699 M404 M-501 M-441 M
Free cash flow157 M928 M-296 M-913 M459 M378 M871 M858 M630 M602 M
IssuanceOfDebt-129 M342 M-23 M-118 M-435 M-300 M958 M852 M-75 M-107 M
Net cash from financing activities-190 M150 M-217 M-398 M-610 M-472 M699 M404 M-501 M-441 M
Net cash from investing activities-1,671 M-1,111 M-105 M-321 M-677 M-427 M-1,292 M-2,076 M-574 M-524 M
Net cash from operating activities465 M1,143 M-149 M-687 M928 M780 M1,237 M1,354 M1,092 M1,098 M
Net change in cash & cash equivalents-1,396 M182 M-471 M-1,406 M-359 M-119 M644 M-318 M17 M133 M
Net income from continuing operations289 M485 M-1,286 M-2,888 M228 M-1,545 M389 M760 M187 M354 M
NetBusinessPurchaseAndSale-1,190 M-519 M-185 M-77 M-192 M-40 M-912 M-1,572 M-91 M-53 M
NetCommonStockIssuance-30 M-41 M-179 M-243 M-117 M
NetInvestmentPropertiesPurchaseAndSale-173 M-390 M227 M-18 M-16 M15 M-14 M-8 M-21 M25 M
NetInvestmentPurchaseAndSale-173 M-390 M227 M-18 M-16 M15 M-14 M-8 M-21 M25 M
NetIssuancePaymentsOfDebt-129 M342 M-23 M-118 M-435 M-300 M958 M852 M-75 M-107 M
NetLongTermDebtIssuance-129 M342 M-23 M-118 M-435 M-300 M958 M852 M-75 M-107 M
NetPPEPurchaseAndSale-308 M-215 M-147 M-226 M-469 M-402 M-366 M-496 M-462 M-496 M
Operating (gains) losses58 M4 M299 M1,011 M49 M214 M208 M161 M236 M102 M
Other financing charges net-1000000.0-4 M-42 M-122 M-14 M-14 M-96 M-94 M-9 M-45 M
Other investing changes net51 M-336 M266 M33 M18 M4 M-1000000.033 M-21 M25 M
Other non-cash items-16 M-165 M558 M806 M63 M1,630 M-243 M-162 M37 M95 M
Payment of cash dividends30 M147 M152 M158 M161 M158 M163 M175 M174 M172 M
PensionAndEmployeeBenefitExpense-22 M-26 M
Purchase of Float term investments-18 M-34 M11 M-13 M-41 M-60 M
Purchase of property plant & equipment-308 M-215 M-147 M-226 M-469 M-402 M-366 M-496 M-462 M-496 M
Purchase of short term investments342 M95 M681 M926 M1,515 M1,690 M514 M1,268 M
PurchaseOfInvestment-224 M-54 M-39 M-51 M-34 M11 M-13 M-41 M-60 M
PurchaseOfLongTermInvestments-224 M-54 M-39 M-33 M-34 M
PurchaseOfPPE-308 M-256 M-256 M-364 M-572 M-438 M-390 M-499 M-499 M-496 M
Repayment of debt-129 M-23 M-213 M-1,116 M-1,226 M-557 M-838 M-589 M-1,375 M
RepaymentOfDebt-129 M-23 M-213 M-1,116 M-1,226 M-557 M-838 M-589 M-1,375 M
Repurchase of capital stock-30 M-41 M-179 M-243 M-117 M
SaleOfBusiness1000000.0162 M1000000.050 M81 M
SaleOfPPE41 M109 M138 M103 M36 M24 M3 M37 M
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