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GCI Stock Annual Balance Sheet. Download in Excel

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Gannett Co. Inc.

Sector: Consumer Cyclical   

Industry: Publishing

Previous close:   Open: 4.96  Bid:   Ask: 5.13
52 week range    
Mkt Cap: 0 M  Avg Vol (90 Days): 0
Last updated: Saturday 15th February 2025
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GCI Balance Sheet

Invalid dateDec-17Dec-18Dec-19Dec-20Dec-21Dec-22Dec-23
Accounts payable16 M17 M454 M378 M357 M352 M293 M
Accounts receivable152 M174 M439 M314 M329 M289 M266 M
Accrued expenses113 M126 M454 M378 M357 M352 M293 M
Accumulated depreciation & depletion-171 M-219 M-277 M-362 M-336 M-361 M-336 M
Additional paid in capital683 M722 M1,091 M1,104 M1,400 M1,410 M1,426 M
Building & improvements204 M205 M
Cash and equivalents46 M49 M156 M171 M131 M94 M100 M
CashCashEquivalentsAndShortTermInvestments46 M49 M156 M171 M131 M94 M100 M
CashEquivalents3 M4 M
Common par534000.0605000.01 M1 M1 M2 M2 M
Common stock equity674 M717 M981 M364 M532 M296 M318 M
CommonStock534000.0605000.01 M1 M1 M2 M2 M
Construction in progress5 M5 M
Cost in excess237 M311 M914 M534 M534 M533 M534 M
CurrentAccruedExpenses97 M110 M307 M
CurrentCapitalLeaseObligation27 M40 M43 M48 M45 M46 M
CurrentDeferredRevenue88 M105 M219 M186 M185 M154 M121 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesAssets22 M267 M287 M203 M185 M148 M
CurrentDeferredTaxesLiabilities8 M30 M-199 M-204 M-200 M-130 M-113 M
Deferred revenues88 M105 M219 M186 M185 M154 M121 M
DeferredFinancingCosts3 M-5 M-15 M-11 M-7 M
DefinedPensionBenefit54 M2,859 M3,228 M3,222 M1,726 M1,785 M
DividendsPayable76 M87 M-92 M
EmployeeBenefits25 M24 M236 M100 M72 M51 M43 M
Float term debt2 M1,937 M1,746 M1,418 M1,320 M1,185 M
GoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets640 M797 M1,927 M1,359 M1,247 M1,147 M1,058 M
Gross fixed assets (Plant Property & Equipment)545 M661 M1,402 M1,242 M1,024 M900 M797 M
IncomeTaxPayable5 M4 M18 M31 M26 M12 M10 M
Intangibles403 M486 M1,013 M825 M713 M613 M524 M
InterestPayable160000.036 M64 M229 M136 M108 M112 M
Inventories19 M25 M55 M35 M38 M45 M27 M
Invested capital1,032 M1,147 M4,558 M3,582 M3,113 M2,717 M2,483 M
Land & improvements42 M39 M
LongTermCapitalLeaseObligation101 M298 M274 M255 M219 M204 M
LongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligation357 M428 M1,937 M1,746 M1,418 M1,320 M1,185 M
LongTermProvisions8 M10 M29 M6 M10 M12 M
Machinery furniture & equipment260 M275 M
Minority interest2 M2 M-1 M-2 M-369000.0-472000.0
Net fixed assets (net PP&E)373 M442 M1,125 M880 M687 M539 M461 M
NetOtherUnrealizedGainLoss-6 M17 M-7 M-40 M
Non-current deferred income taxes8 M8 M9 M7 M29 M1 M2 M
NonCurrentAccruedExpenses11 M110 M
NonCurrentDeferredAssets76 M90 M32 M57 M37 M
NonCurrentDeferredLiabilities8 M8 M9 M7 M29 M1 M2 M
NonCurrentDeferredTaxesAssets70 M87 M76 M90 M32 M57 M37 M
NonCurrentPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlans25 M24 M236 M100 M72 M51 M43 M
Other current assets23 M1 M34 M41 M46 M33 M15 M
Other fixed assets373 M442 M1,125 M880 M687 M539 M461 M
Other non-current assets7 M10 M113 M25 M8 M10 M10 M
Other non-current liabilities15 M16 M136 M152 M117 M109 M101 M
Other receivable1,526 M1,868 M3,406 M3,208 M2,945 M2,664 M
OtherCurrentBorrowings3 M12 M3 M128 M69 M60 M64 M
OtherCurrentLiabilities4 M43 M49 M51 M6 M10 M
OtherInventories19 M25 M55 M35 M38 M45 M27 M
Payables16 M17 M454 M378 M357 M352 M293 M
Prepaid expenses23 M50 M129 M117 M80 M46 M36 M
RecievablesAdjustmentsAllowances-6 M-8 M-20 M-21 M-16 M-17 M-16 M
Restricted cash189 M207 M144 M105 M111 M
Retained earnings-8 M-3 M-108 M-736 M-861 M-1,101 M-1,093 M
SecuritySoldNotYetRepurchased3 M7 M
Short term debt3 M12 M3 M128 M69 M60 M64 M
TaxesReceivable8 M
Total assets1,284 M1,546 M4,020 M3,109 M2,828 M2,394 M2,181 M
Total current assets263 M298 M779 M637 M577 M508 M444 M
Total current liabilities204 M248 M718 M741 M663 M617 M534 M
Total equity674 M717 M981 M364 M532 M296 M318 M
Total liabilities609 M725 M3,037 M2,746 M2,298 M2,098 M1,864 M
Total non-current assets1,020 M1,249 M3,241 M2,472 M2,251 M1,886 M1,737 M
Total non-current liabilities405 M477 M2,318 M2,005 M1,636 M1,481 M1,330 M
TotalEquityGrossMinority674 M719 M983 M364 M530 M295 M317 M
TotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest674 M719 M983 M364 M530 M295 M317 M
TotalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquityGrossMinorityInterest1,284 M1,444 M4,020 M3,109 M2,828 M2,394 M2,181 M
TotalNonCurrentLiabilitiesNetMinorityInteres405 M477 M2,318 M2,005 M1,636 M1,481 M1,330 M
Treasury stock-1 M-2 M-3 M-5 M-8 M-15 M-17 M
UnearnedIncome143 M284 M143 M181 M
Working capital60 M50 M61 M-105 M-85 M-109 M-89 M
debtc3 M12 M3 M128 M69 M105 M110 M
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